Chapter 1

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Lexie and Mark were engaged. He had finally built his confidence up and done it. She had never seen it coming but she was more than happy to finally be standing here as Marks finance.

So here they were, celebrating their engagement with their closest friends and loved ones.

"I can't believe Meredith isn't here!" Lexie exclaimed angrily as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Hey. Relax." Mark said as he placed his hand on her shoulders, giving them a tight but comforting squeeze. "She will be here, her surgery probably just ran over and she is running late. Just relax and enjoy the night,ok?" He said, looking into her eyes.

"Ok." She smiled softly at him before leaning in to brush her lips against his pulling apart when another couple walked over and gave their congratulations.

Meanwhile at the bar, Marks best friend, Derek, was happily nursing his glass of scotch. He never thought he would see the day where Mark Sloan would become an honest man and settle down. But he was glad that Mark had met Lexie, he calmed him down and truly made him happier then he had ever been. Especially since their dad had died.

"I hate weddings." A petite blonde mumbled as she walked up to the bar before ordering herself a shot of tequila.

"You do know this isn't a wedding right?" Derek laughed slightly as he shook his head before taking a sip from his drink.

"Yeah I know." She said before knocking back her shot and quickly ordering the next one. "But the whole run up to it is exhausting I mean why does it have to be such a big deal? If you're so in love just go and get married, easy." She said shrugging her shoulders before taking her next shot.

"I get it, never been a fan of big weddings. When I get married, I want it to be small, just friends and a few close friends. On a beach or on my land, it has the perfect view." Derek said smiling down as he swirled his drink round in his glass.

"See you get it." She said as she tapped her empty shot glass on the bar.

Derek finally took the time to turn and face the stranger that was sitting next to him and he was almost blown away by her natural beauty. Her blonde hair fell down her shoulders in perfect loose waves, a light amount of make up on her face and the black dress she was wearing hugged all her curves perfectly.

"Can I get you another drink?" Derek asked as he motioned for the bar tender. He don't know what it was but he felt so comfortable with the woman that was sat next to him and wanted to get to know her more.

"Hmm..." she looked round and saw Meredith waving her hand towards her, basically asking her to come over. "I would love to but I'm being summoned, maybe later." She said standing up and brushing her hand across his back as she walked away and over to Lexie, her heels clicking on the floor as she moved.

Derek couldn't help but turn and watch her out of the corner of his eye, her ass swaying perfectly as she walked over and wrapped herself in Lexie's arms. He took the last sip of his drink before grabbing his new one and heading over to join his family.

"Who was that?" Amelia asked as she walked over and stood next to him, both of their eyes trained on the blonde that was previously sat next to him at the bar.

"I have no idea." He said nodding towards her as she turned and smiled at him before turning back to her conversation with Lexie. He lifted his glass up and took another sip.

"She's hot." Amelia said watching as Derek turned to face her. "What? Don't even deny that you don't think the same, I can see it on your face." She said, lifting her glass up and taking a sip from her own drink.

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