Chapter 57

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Meredith loved watching how Annie grew and change everyday, developing her very own personality everyday.

"Are you all clean now?" Meredith cooed as she gently squished the baby's cheek in between her fingers. "Yes, you are." She said again, watching as Annie smile slightly.

"Mer!" Lexie shouted as she stepped into the house, closely followed by Noah's cheers.

"I'm upstairs!" Meredith shouted back as she placed a fresh nappy before picking her up and carry her into the nursery. "Hey Lexie. Hi Noah."

"Sorry, I should have phoned before coming over but Noah has been asking to come and see you." Lexie smiled before turning to face Annie. "Hey pretty girl, you're so pretty, yes you are." She cooed as the little girl smiled at her. "Oh my, she's smiling now."

"I know." Meredith smiled proudly. "She smiled for the first time the other day, Derek spent ages pulling funny faces and she was eating it up."

"So you've let Derek come back home." Lexie said shortly, obviously not happy with Meredith's decision.

"Of course I did." Meredith turned to frown at Lexie before placing a clean bodysuit and onesie onto Annie before taking her back into her arms. "I'm not going to keep him away from his daughter and I love him, you should of all people should get that." She rolled her eyes before heading downstairs.

Walking into the living room, she placed Annie in her bouncer, handing her one of her toys before looking up to see Lexie walk in and place Noah down.

"Noah, you stay here and play with your toys." She placed his bag down and started taking out some of his toy cars. "If Annie cries come and get aunt Mermer, mommy needs to talk to her."

Meredith shook her head before heading into the kitchen, Lexie hot on her heels.

"Meredith, I know you love him but he left you. He literally got up and left, leaving you with a new born. I mean he acts like he was the only one that was in the accident." Lexie crossed her arms over her chest and stared at Meredith.

"Lexie, it isn't that easy." Meredith turned to face her. "I was struggling. I wasn't sleeping and everyday was getting harder and harder for me to carry on but everyone was expected me to be happy. Happy at being a new mother but at the end of the day I was miserable without him. I don't have to justify anything to anyone or to you!" Meredith exclaimed.

"So all those nights of your crying on my shoulder meant nothing?" Lexie spat back. "He treated you like shit and you're just letting him back like nothing happened! You deserve better!"

"No!" Meredith spat, suddenly losing her patience. "I deserve to be with someone I love and that loves me. I don't have to explain myself but without Derek I am miserable. So yes, we fought and yes he left but he is back now, that's all that should matter! So don't come into my home and start having a go at me because you have no idea because you haven't been around the last few weeks!"

"Hey, what's going on?" Derek suddenly asked causing the two of them to turn to face him as he stood in the doorway of the kitchen.

"Stay out of this Derek!" Lexie shot at him before turning to face Meredith once again.

"Don't speak to him like that." Meredith frowned. "You know you can leave, no one is making you stay."

"Fine." Lexie exclaimed. "But don't come running to me when he hurts you again." 

With that being said, Lexie turned on her heels and walked out, moving into the living to grab Noah before slamming the door on the way out.

Meredith sighed to herself, she hated arguing with her sister but she hated how everyone was doubting her for trying to make her family work.

"Mer..." Derek said softly as he walked up to her.

"Don't. Just don't." She shook her head. "Just hold me."

He nodded his head before reaching out and pulling her tight into his chest, leaning down to kiss the top of her head.

"I'm sorry." He sighed, watching as Meredith looked up to him. "I mean the only reason you and Lexie argued is because of me..."

"No, it's not your fault." She reached up and cupped his cheek with her hand, smiling up at him. "She doesn't understand. Just because we went through a rough patch doesn't mean I'm going to throw everything away. It wouldn't be worth it if we didn't fight sometimes. I'm happy with you here and Annie is happier with you here. We are a family. Plus she'll get over it eventually." She shrugged causing the both of them to laugh before leaning in to brush their lips against one another's.

They only pulled apart when they heard Annie starting to cry from the living room, obviously hating that she wasn't getting any attention anymore.

"Hey, what's all this crying about?" Derek cooed gently as he moved down to take Annie out of her bouncer, taking her into his arms and rocking her gently. "Daddy's got you."

Meredith stood, leaning on the door frame, watching as Annie reached up her small hand to Derek's mouth, smiling as he kissed her small, delicate fingers. It was everything she had wanted, to have her daughter to have two parents who loved her and loved one another.

"Mer, someone wants you." Derek smiled as Annie started to lean out of his arms towards Meredith.

Pushing herself off of the door, she moved over to Derek's side and took Annie into his arms but remained close to Derek's side.

"I love you." Derek said causing Meredith to turn and look at him. "Thank you. Thank you for giving me another chance, a chance for being a father and be the partner you deserve."

"I love you too." She smiled before moving to rest her head against his shoulder, smiling as Annie buried her head into Meredith's chest.

Of course she would have preferred if the last few months hadn't happened but she truly believe it made them stronger. It showed that their love for one another was stronger than ever and they would fight like hell to keep it together.

At the end of the day, she had her own little family and that's all she needed. She didn't need anything or anyone else. But she just wanted Lexie to be happy for her, she wanted everyone to be happy for her, it's what she deserved.

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