Chapter 9

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For once in her life, Meredith was enjoying being at a wedding. The ceremony not so much but now she was at the reception and she was slowly starting to enjoy herself. It probably helped that there was an open bar there.

"Here." She heard Derek beside her as she held a glass of wine out in front of her, his arm wrapped around her lower back.

"Thank you." She smiled as she took the glass out of his hands and let her slender figures wrap around the glass before she took a sip.

"You look like you're enjoying yourself." Derek stepped in front of her as he took a sip of his scotch.

"I actually am, don't know what it is about this wedding's fun." She said raising her eyebrows at him.

"Hmm." He replied staring into her eyes, never breaking contact until someone bumped into him and he stumbled onto Meredith. "Sorry." He looked down at her lips and back up, it took everything in his body not to lean down and kiss her right now.

"Stop looking at me like that." Meredith said smirking at him as she hit her lower lip.

"Like what?" Derek asked innocently.

"Like you've seen me naked." Meredith looked round to make sure no one was looking before she leaned in and brushed her lips against his neck before nibbling on his ear lobe.

"Meredith." Derek moaned as he felt Meredith's lips against his now flushed skin.

"I'll see you later." Meredith smiled to herself as he hand lingered on him for as long as possible before moving past him.

Derek laughed to himself before finally turning to face where Meredith had gone but a frown appeared on his face quickly as he saw her speaking to another man, who was standing far too close for his liking.

"Who's pissed on your territory?" Mark asked as he sipped on his own drink before stoping next to Derek.

"What?" Derek kept his eyes on Meredith as he answered Mark.

Mark didn't answer him and looked over to where Derek was frowning to. He laughed to himself when he realised that Derek was jealous of the fact that Nathan was talking to Meredith.

"Ohh, I knew it." Mark laughed as he sipped from his drink, watching as Derek turned to him finally but a frown still on his face.

"Knew what?" Derek asked as he watched Meredith out of the corner of her eye, the man she was with stepping closer to her and his arm draped round the bottom of her back.

"You're jealous." Mark shrugged.

"I don't get jealous." Derek downed his drink before placing it down forcefully on the bar.

"Alright whatever you say man." Mark rolled his eyes. "Look, I'm going to find my wife just don't go round beating anyone up please." He slapped Derek on the back before heading off to find Lexie.

Deciding he couldn't watch them any longer, Derek straightened out his jacket and walked over to Meredith.

"Excuse me." Derek cleared his voice. "Meredith, I remembered that you promised me a dance." He said holding out his hand waiting for her to take it.

"I did, didn't I." Meredith smiled as she placed her hand in his and let him drag her away. "Bye Nathan." She waved, feeling Derek squeeze her hand tight. It was as in that moment that she realised that Derek was indeed jealous.

"Who was that?" Derek asked as he pulled her body close into hers as he whispered into her ear. His hand squeezing her hip tight.

"Oh, he was just a friend of Lexies. She wanted me to meet him that's all." She said, watching as Derek's eye went dark.

"I don't like him." Derek said, as his hand drifted over her ass and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Why's that?" Meredith said, her eyes also darkening as they need for one another took over them.

"I don't need a reason." He said looking round the room, noticing that some people had already left. "Would you like to get out of here?" Derek asked as he let his lips brush against her neck.

"Yes, I would." Meredith said as she let Derek take her hand as he pulled her outside.

She giggled as Derek and herself ran outside in the rain before they finally reached his car and climbed in.

"My hair is a mess." Meredith laughed as she looked in the mirror.

"Come here." He placed his hand on her cheek and turned her face towards him before pressing his lips to hers. "I've been waiting to do this all day." Derek said in between kisses.

"My place or yours?" Derek said as he tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Yours, definitely yours." Meredith said leaning in to kiss him again as she bit down gently on his lower lip before pulling apart.

"Now let's go before they come and find that the best man and maid of honour have left early." Derek smiled at her before turning on his car and leaving, starting the drive to his home.

It didn't take them long before they pulled up to Derek's house. Meredith moved to climb out but frowned when Derek was frozen in his spot.

"Hey Der..." Meredith said as she reached to run her fingers through his hair, making him jump slightly. "Sorry." She laughed.

"It's ok." He said quietly.

"Seriously Derek, what's wrong?" Meredith asked with concern in her voice.

"'s just..." Derek took a deep breath in and composed himself. "Look, I know it might feel like it's too soon and if it is then tell me, ok?" He waited for Meredith to nod her head before carrying on. "Meredith, I like you a lot and...right basically, I'm just going to ask."

Meredith frowned as she watched Derek ramble, understanding how she felt when she rambled on.

"Meredith." Derek waved her hand in front of her face.

"Sorry, what did you say?" Meredith asked shaking her head.

"Oh, you wasn't listening ok." Derek laughed to himself. "I basically asked you if you want to be my girlfriend..."

"Are you...yes, I would love to be your girlfriend." Meredith said as he let hand linked with his.

Derek smiled at her before leaning in to press his lips against her, both of them keeping the smiles on their faces as their lips locked.

"Can we go inside now?" Meredith asked.

"Let's go." Derek jumped out of his side of the car and ran round to Meredith's side, shutting her door for her as she stepped out.

He reached down and threw her other his shoulder causing her to squeal and then giggle.

"Derek, put me down." Meredith yelled as he walked through his front door before finally placing her back down onto her own two feet. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He smiled at her before taking her into his arms again and pressing his lips to her passionately.

"Best wedding ever." Meredith laughed as Derek lifted her up and her legs wrapped around his waist as he carried her upstairs.

"I agree." He said as he threw her down onto the bed gently and placing his body on top on hers.

The night was spent getting to know one another's body on another level until they finally fell asleep wrapped in one another's arm.

Maybe Meredith was a fan of weddings, especially if every wedding finished like this with her being wrapped tightly and warmly in Derek's arms.

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