Chapter 3

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Meredith and Derek had fallen into a habit of text each other at least once day but they hadn't yet had their long awaited date. He was desperate to see her but they both understood one another's busy schedule and were just having fun getting to to know each other and for now, that was enough for them.

Right now, Derek was currently sat in his office, filling out paperwork when suddenly his phone started to ring. He was fully prepared to ignore it, expecting it to his mom wanting to lecture him for being at work for so long but instead he was pleasantly surprised to see Meredith's name on the screen.

"Well, I can say I wasn't expecting this." Derek said as he answered the call, holding the phone to his ear as he relaxed back into his chair.

"Hey sorry I didn't even think, are you busy? Cause if you are then I will just go." Meredith rambled on as Derek heard her sniffle slightly, clearly upset.

"No I'm not busy. What's wrong?" He asked, frowning as he was genuinely concerned for her.

"I lost a patient, a child. There were so young and I can't..." she said before letting the tears fall again and she began to cry once again.

"Meredith." Derek said softly. "Look, you would have done the best job you could have done, you know it can't be helped sometimes. Don't be so hard on yourself."

"Mr Shepherd." His assistant said as they walked in and held up another folder towards him. He held out his hand for it before smiling at them as they left the room.

"I'm sorry, I don't even know why I phoned, I just wanted to hear your voice but you're obviously at work, so bye." Then before Derek could get another word in, Meredith had hung up.

Deciding he couldn't leave Meredith alone right now, he grabbed his phone and keys and headed out of his office.

"Hey Megan." He said watching as the secretary turned and smiled at him widely. "I'm going to be heading out for a few hours, if you need me then ring my personal phone but only if it's an emergency. I've got some things that need sorting." He said smiling at her as he shrugged on his coat.

"No worries, it seems it's going to be a slow one today so don't worry about it. Go and enjoy your break, you definitely deserve it." She said smiling at him before answering the now ringing phone.

Heading outside he pulled his keys out of his pocket and climbed inside his car. He had no idea why he felt the need to go and see Meredith but he couldn't carry on with his day knowing she was so upset.

So here he was, buying two cups of coffee and a box of doughnuts in the hopes that he would bump into Meredith and cheer up.

It didn't hit him until he was walking up to the hospital what a stupid idea this could be. She was a surgeon so she was probably busy or in surgery. But he was surprised to find her sitting outside, staring off aimlessly into the distance, her cheeks stained with tears and her hair thrown up in a messy pony tail.

"Meredith." He said as he walked over to her. "Hey Mer." Derek said again as he tried his best to get her attention.

Meredith could hear someone saying her name but she didn't move not until the comforting scent of Derek invaded her senses and she turned to face him.

"Derek." She said wiping at her eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"You sounded upset on the phone, so I brought coffee and doughnuts. I would have suggested a bottle of wine but I know it's probably frowned upon for you to drink during your shift." He said as he handed her a coffee.

"Thank you." She said shaking her head and holding the coffee in her hands. "But I could really do with a glass of wine right now or shots of tequila." She said lifting her cup and shaking a large gulp from her cup.

"Well, what are you doing tonight?" Derek asked as he took a sip from his own drink and watched as she turned to face him.

"What?" She asked him watching as he smirked at her.

"Tonight. Me and you, let's go for that drink we have been planning on going for." He said as he took a doughnut out of the box and took a big bite.

"I don't know Derek, I'm not the best company today and I don't really feel like going to a bar." Meredith shrugged her shoulders and reaching out for a doughnut and had to stop herself from moaning at the taste.

"Who said anything about a bar?" Derek laughed as he saw Meredith frowning at him with her mouth full of doughnut and powder all over lips. He couldn't help but reach out and wipe it off her lips, letting his hand linger on her face.

"But you said we should go for drinks?" Meredith said as finally emptied her mouth of doughnut.

"Yes we should go for drinks. But I'm thinking me, you and a bottle of wine, watching the sunset overlooking the ferry boats. So what do you think?" He asked. Derek truly hoped that she would agree.

Meredith thought for a bit before answering him. She didn't want anything serious right now but there was something about Derek that just interested her and she loved being in his presence.

"That sounds perfect." Meredith said as she smiled at him softly, reaching out to take his hand and giving it a tight squeeze. "I just have to head inside and change, are you going to wait here or..."

"I'll wait here, you won't long will you?" He asked when she took the last sip of coffee and stood up shaking her head. "Right, I'll be waiting here then." He smiled at her before watching her run back into the hospital, a spring back in her step.

Derek didn't want to date, he was happy with his life. He had given up on the dream of getting married and having a family, work was his happiness. Or so he thought. That was until he met Meredith. Which he knew sounded crazy as they hadn't know each other long but it just felt right.

"Hey, you ready to go?" Meredith asked as she stood in front of him again but this time dressed in a pair of jeans and a lavender jumper, her hair now down as she had her bag over her shoulder and her jacket in her arms.

"I'm ready. You look gorgeous." He said leaning in to kiss her cheek.

"Oh." Meredith tried to hide the blush that was beginning to spread across her face. "Thank you." She said leaning into his touch.

"Then let's get going." His hand immediately went down to her lower back as he guided her towards his car. He held the door open for her and allowed her to sit down before shutting the door and running round to jump into the drivers seat.

Then they were off, Derek's hand went and rested on the top of Meredith's leg, giving the occasional squeeze whilst the other to her to steer the wheel.

"You're not going to take me off into the middle of no where and kill me are you?" Meredith laughed but stopped when Derek didn't reply and continued to stay ahead. "Derek?"

He tried to keep a serious expression on his face but couldn't help but start to laugh when he heard the panic in her voice.

"You aren't funny." She said as she swung her arm out and playfully slapped him on his upper arm before crossing her arms over her chest.

"Oh come on I was only joking." He said but noticed that Meredith failed to turn back towards him. "Mer, I'll make it up to you."

"Yeah you better." She said smirking at him before fully turning to face him once again.

Derek bit the inside of his cheek, grateful to be at a red light when he reached out and cupped her cheek before leaning in to press his lips to hers quickly but softly. Before pulling back and tucking her hair behind her ear.

The car behind them beeped, alerting Derek to the change of the lights and that he should be driving again. He quickly pulled himself from Meredith and carried on driving. They occasionally took quick glances at one another as they continued to drive in silence with the radio on low as they sat their with their fingers intertwined.

Tonight really had confirmed for the both of them, their feelings were much deeper than they had ever and anticipated. Whilst they were scared to explore their feelings they couldn't wait to see where things would go.

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