Chapter 23

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Since finding out Meredith was pregnant, they had hardly spoke about it. Derek wanted Meredith to get her mind around it, to make her decision but he couldn't help but watch her as she moved around the bathroom and pictured her waddling around with a huge bump.

"Mmm." Meredith groaned as she ran her hand over her stomach.

"You ok?" Derek shot up and placed his book down and was immediately at her side.

"Yeah, stomach ache." She smiled as she ran her hand over her stomach and moved into his arms.

"Maybe you should take the day off work tomorrow." He said running his hands up and down his back.

"Can't. Too many surgeries." She said as she snuggled into his chest further.


"Can we just go to sleep?" Meredith asked as she cut him off.

"Yeah, of course." He smiled at her and guided her to the bed, where they lay down and she immediately spooned back into his chest.

Derek was first to fall asleep, with Meredith's mind running wild with thoughts which were interrupted as Derek's hand moved down to rest on her stomach. At first she tensed up but then she relaxed and her hand moved to join his. Maybe they could do this, have this baby and be a family. Eventually, sleep consumed Meredith's body and she finally feel asleep.

It was the next morning, Derek was down in the kitchen, pouring coffee into his flask as Meredith headed into the kitchen.

"Morning." Meredith walked over and kissed him softly on the lips.

"Morning, feeling any better?" He asked as Meredith pulled out and apple and took a big bite from it.

"Hmm." She nodded her head as she smiled at him.

"Good." Derek smiled back before checking his watch. "I need to get going, I'll come and meet you at the hospital for a late lunch."

"I'd like that."

"I'll see you then, I love you."

"I love you too." Meredith kissed him once more before watching him leave the house. 

Checking the time, Meredith realised she also needed to head to work if she didn't want to be late, so she grabbed her things and headed out the doors.

Her morning was non stop, heading from one surgery and straight to the next.

"Hey big Grey." Mark said as he approached Meredith and frowned at her pale complexion. "Are you alright? You look a bit...pale."

"I'm good...just." Meredith grabbed onto the nurses station when she felt herself go a bit dizzy. "Feel a bit light headed."

"Ok, I've got you." Mark wrapped his arm around her protectively as he watched her sway slightly. "Come on let's go." He guided her towards an exam room so they could have some privacy.

Stepping into the room, she turned to face Mark and watched as his eyes went wide.

"Meredith...there is blood spreading down your thighs..." Mark said as his eyes went down before looking back up to meet his.

Meredith listened to him as she let her own eyes go down where she saw her scrubs an even darker shade of blue as the blood continued to spread down her thighs.

"I...I..." she stumbled back and sat down on the bed as tears streamed down her face.

"It's ok, I'm here." Mark moved next to her and grabbed her hand, letting his hand run over her soft hair.

This wasn't good.

Derek was just getting ready to his office after a slow morning to go and meet Meredith for lunch as his phone rang.

"Mark, make it quick..."

"Derek, just listen you need to come to the hospital." Mark cut him off.

"I'm on my way now, I'm coming to meet Meredith for lunch, what is it?"

"Derek..." the tone in Marks voice made Derek stop in his track and his blood run cold. "It's Meredith, she's been admitted to the hospital."

That was all Derek needed to hear as he ended the call and threw his phone into his pocket before running to his car, ignoring all the stares following him.

He wasn't even sure how he made to the hospital in one piece, he was certain he was going to get a speeding ticket but right now that was the last thing on his mind.

"Mark, where is she?" Derek gasped as he ran up to Mark.

"She's in there, it's not good. She was pale, then...then she had blood running down her thighs." Mark watched as Derek paled and held back the bile that rose in his throat.

"I need to be with her..." Derek took a deep breath in before moving to grab the handle and slowly pushed the door open and closed it behind him.

Walking in, he found Meredith sitting up with a blank expression on her face as her arms were crossed over her stomach.

"Meredith." Derek said softly as he moved closer to her.

Her eyes finally turned to meet his and acknowledged that he was there, tears shining in her eyes.

"I lost it." She choked out. "I lost the baby."

Derek watched as the tears started to stream down her face as she began to sob. In a flash, Derek was at her side and cradling her in his arms.

"Shh, it's ok, it will all be alright." He climbed into the bed and let her get it all out. He just held her because that's all he knew what to do right now.

"I wanted the baby." Meredith finally got out as she pulled out of his arms and looked up at him. "I was going to tell you when you got home from work...but that was ripped away from me. I did this."

"You didn't do this." He cupped her face in his hands. "You had no control over this, but this isn't your fault Meredith, please don't blame yourself. We will have a baby one day...we will." He leaned down and kissed her softly before wrapping her back into his arms.

That's exactly how they stayed all night as they mourned the loss of their baby that they never got to meet.

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