Chapter 62

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Derek didn't think he could be anymore in love with Meredith then he already was but today has proved that he certainly could. Watching Meredith give birth to their baby was the most incredible experience and he was so proud of her.

They had missed out on this with Annie's birth, so the fact that this birth went off without a hitch was a huge relief for them.

"How are you feeling?" Derek asked softly as he ran his hand over her hair as she continued to look down at their new addition to their family.

"I'm exhausted, my whole body hurts..." Meredith turned to Derek with a soft smile on her face as her head dropped back to rest against her pillow. "But I'm so happy."

"Me too." Derek smiled back at her before reaching down to run his fingers over the sleeping baby's cheek. "Looks like I was wrong as well."

"I told you." Meredith laughed slightly before yawning. "We have another little girl."

"We do. Looks like I'm going to be having tea parties for a bit longer." Derek laughed slightly. "Let's just hope the next one is a boy."

"Seriously?" Meredith looked at Derek in shock. "I know you didn't just mention having another baby when I've just gave birth."

"Mer, I'm joking." He leaned forward to brush his lips against hers.

"Yeah, not funny." She rolled her eyes slightly as her eyes slowly started to drift shut.

"Come here, I'll take her off you for a bit. You need to sleep." Derek reached down and took his daughter into his arms, holding her close to his chest before moving to sit back down in the chair next to the bed.

"Thank you." Meredith yawned once again before finally allowing herself to give in to her exhaustion.

He smiled to himself as he listened to the soft snores coming from Meredith before turning to look down at his daughter.

"We have waited so long to meet you." Derek whispered quietly as he ran his finger gently over his daughters cheek. "You've got a very excited big sister at home waiting to meet you. She might be a bit loud at first but you'll get used to it."

Whilst Derek has been convinced this baby was a boy, he couldn't be happier to have another little girl to call his own. He just couldn't take his eyes off of her, she was his double.

A light knock on the door caused him to look up, smiling as he saw Carina standing there.

"Hey, I just wanted to stop by and say congratulations." She whispered as she noticed Meredith was fast asleep.

"Thank you. Would you like to meet her?" Derek slowly made his way over to her before he proudly showed off his new daughter.

"Oh." Carina placed her hand over her heart as she looked down adoringly at the little girl. "She's absolutely gorgeous and it looks like this one got your hair!" She said as she reached to run her finger over the soft dark hair that rested on top of the baby's head.

"I know!" Derek smiled.

"I won't keep you, I just wanted to stop by and make sure everything was alright." She turned to smile at him before placing her hand on his arm and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Give my love to Meredith."

"I will, thank you Carina." Derek smiled once more before moving to close the door behind him, giving them some privacy.

It was at the point that Derek realised how exhausted he was as he slowly moved back over to his chair. He leaned down and kissed his daughter because placing her down in the cot, smiling as she smacked her small lips together.

Reluctantly, he pulled himself away and moved to sit down in the chair, yawning widely as he pulled the blanket over himself before he finally allowed his eyes to drift shut.

It was a few hours later when Meredith slowly started to waking up, gently stretching her body out, grimacing slightly as pain radiates through out her body. Her head turned when she heard their baby starting to stir beside her, clearly wanting her next feed.

"I'm coming. Mommy's coming." She slowly turned her body, planting her feet on the cold floor before slowly shuffling over to the cot.

She reached down, placing one hand under her head as the over moved to scoop her up.

"Mer, what are you doing?" Derek grumbled as he woke up. "Why didn't you wake me?"

"Because you need to sleep as well." She smiled, grateful to have him help her back into bed. "She still needs a name." Meredith said, as adjusted her clothes before letting their little girl latch on.

"She does." Derek sat on the edge of the bed, his finger moving to run over her soft hair. "Have you got any ideas?"

"Maybe." Meredith shrugged as she looked up to Derek, seeing him raising his eyebrows at her, waiting for her to continue. "I was thinking Abigail. I wasn't set on it until I saw her, but I read somewhere that it means fathers joy and as she looks like you..."

"Mer..." Derek smiled softly, tears shining in his eyes as she looked at her adoringly. "I love it. Our little Abigail, our Abi."

"Did you ever think we would get here?" She moved her hand down so she could take his hand in hers. "I mean after everything we went though, I never thought we would ever be this happy again."

"Me either." Derek agreed, pulling their hands up so he could lean down and kiss the top of her hand. "But all of that made us even stronger, nothing can ever come between us. We are a family."

"We are." She smiled at him before looking back down at Abi, smiling as her tiny hand rested on her chest.

Meredith hadn't grew up with a family, only ever having Lexie, so she never expected to have this or ever be ready for it. But then she met Derek and he had completely changed her life for the better.

He went from being a complete stranger to being the love of her life. He really did turn out to be the perfect stranger.

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