Chapter 21

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Derek quietly moved round the room as Meredith was still sleeping peacefully. She lay on her stomach, with bare back exposed to the sun light that was starting to shine through the the gap in the curtain. The blanket was resting on the bottom of her back, exposing her tan lines which caused Derek to smile.

He was dressed in shorts and a pair of trainers, prepared to go for one of his morning runs.

"Hey Mer." Derek whispered into his ear watching as she cuddled into the pillows further. "I'm just going for my run, I'll be back soon." He laughed as she waved her hand in the air but never once opening her eyes so he leaned down and kissed her shoulder before leaving the room.

Once he just outside, he started stretching before setting off down the beach, taking up a slow pace. It wasn't often that Derek had the time to go for a long and peaceful job, he always had somewhere to be or someone was expecting him, so right now, he took in this moment as his feet hit the ground as continued run.

He slowed down to a walk once he reached the town and headed to a cafe to grab a coffee.

"Morning." He greeted the women behind the counter. "Can I get one black coffee and a bottle of water please?" He smiled as the women moved to grab his drinks before he quickly paid.

Deciding to make the most of the day, he headed outside and made a slow walk back to the hotel. He hated that they had to head home tomorrow, meaning it would be back to reality for them. They had got completely wrapped up in their own little bubble of it just being them and having no responsibilities but they knew it wouldn't last. But this trip away had just made their relationship stronger.

He took his time to get back to the hotel and when he walked into their room, he found Meredith now sitting on the floor in front of her suitcase, wearing one of his tops.

"Hey what you are doing?" Derek asked as he walked over and leaned down to kiss her.

"Well, we have to leave tomorrow and nothing is packed so I wanted to get a head start on it so we can enjoy our last night tonight." Meredith smiled up at him before turning back to place one of her tops into her suitcase.

"Good idea, I'm just going to jump in the shower, I'm all sweaty." Derek pulled a face before kissing Meredith once more.

"Alright, oh I ordered room service so breakfast will be delivered shortly!" Meredith shouted as she heard the shower turn on.

It started to hit Meredith that their first trip away together as a couple was coming to an end but she couldn't wait to get back and get back to the surgeries. She just hated that she wouldn't see Derek as much. But deciding not to dwell on it another further, she continued to pack her bags and think about how they would spend their last evening.

"So have we got any plans for tonight?" Derek asked walking out the bathroom, dressed in only his boxers.

"No, we haven't booked to go anywhere, so I thought we could just go for a walk on the beach, maybe grab something to eat and watch the sunset. What do you think?" She turned to watch Derek sit on the bed.

"Sounds perfect." He smiled back at her before holding his arms open for her.

Wasting no time, Meredith pushed herself to her feet and walked over, straddling his lap as her arms went around his neck. She smiled at him again before leaning to press her lips to his softly at first before it started getting passionate as they moaned in one another's mouth.

"Mer..." Derek moaned out as Meredith stared to grinding her body against his, his body reacting almost immediately.

"Want me to stop?" Meredith asked as she started kissing down his neck.

"No, don't ever stop." In one swift movement Derek now had Meredith pressed under his body as his hands started to drift up and under her too, cupping her breast.

A loud knock disturbed them and forced them to pull apart as Meredith moved to answer the door.

"Thank you." Meredith softly said as she walked back over with their breakfast on their trays. "So, food or sex first?" She asked as she bit into one of the strawberries.

"Oh as if you even have to ask." Derek growled as he leaped over the bed and pulled Meredith into his arms before gently throwing her on the bed causing her to giggle loudly before they got lost in one another's body.

They walked down the beach, hand in hand as the sun began to set around them. The cold breeze snaked around them causing Meredith to move into Derek's side in an attempt to steal some of his heat.

"Here." He shrugged his jacket off and immediately placed it around her.

"Thank you." Meredith pulled the jacket around herself as Derek reached up and untucked her hair from the back. "We go home tomorrow."

"We do." Derek sighed as he pulled Meredith into his chest and held onto her tight. "We will have to come back at some point."

Derek felt Meredith nod against his chest but she didn't say a word as she found great comfort in just being wrapped in his arms. Never wanting to forget this moment.

"Move in with me."

"What?" Meredith moved back and looked up at Derek with wide eyes.

"Move in with me. Look, I know it might seem fast but...I want to come home to you. I don't want to go home to an empty house anymore, I want you there. I mean, you are always there when we are off so it makes sense." Derek looked down at Meredith and watched as her eyes stayed wide. "Forget it, forget I said anything, let's just watch the sun set."

He turned Meredith in his arms, so her back was now facing him as he cursed to himself as one hand went to run through his hair in frustration.

"Derek, can you let me speak." Meredith finally spoke up as she turned back to face him. "You kind of just dropped that on me."

"I know, I'm sorry." He nodded his head before letting his eyes drop to the floor.

"But I would love to move in with you." She watched as Derek finally looked at her, his eyes shining.

"Really?" He asked hopeful and smiled as Meredith nodded her head.

"I get it. I love living with my friends, I do but...coming home to's exactly what I want. I mean, we don't have to get back and immediately get moved in but let's do it." Meredith stopped herself before she truly started rambling on.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

They leaned in and pressed their lips together, before Meredith turned in his arms again and leaned back into his embrace as they watched the sun set as they were wrapped in each other's arms.

They were moving in together, it was the next step in their future together.

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