Chapter 63

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There was no words to describe how Derek was feeling right now as he drove Meredith and their new daughter home. He knew how incredible it was being a father but he just felt so lucky right now.

He had planned on skipping Mark and Lexies engagement party all them years ago but it turned out to be one of the best things he did. If he had listened to his head, instead of his heart, then he probably would have never have met Meredith and now he couldn't imagine life without her.

"What's got you smiling like that?" Meredith asked, raising her one eyebrow slightly as Derek turned to her with a wide smile on his face.

"It's nothing." He couldn't help but laugh as he watched Meredith tilt her head slightly, smirking at him. "I was just thinking about how lucky I am..."

"You're not going to get all cheesy on me now and tell me I'm the best thing that ever happened to you, are you?" Meredith laughed but stopped when she saw Derek's face. "Derek..."

"But you are Mer." He turned his eyes back to the road, placing his hand on her thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze. "You showed me what it's like to truly love someone and you gave me a family. You gave me Annie and Abigail. I wasn't planning on going to Marks engagement party but I made a last minute decision to go and it was the best decision I've ever made because I met you."

Derek stopped, finally turning to Meredith as he parked the car in their drive, finding her with tears streaming down her face.


"No, I'm sorry." Meredith laughed as she wiped the tears off of her face. "It's just my hormones are all over the place and you...I just love you so much."

"I love you too Mer." Derek reached forward, cupping her face in his hands as he leaned forward and gently brush his lips against hers. "Now come on. Let's go and introduce Abigail to her big sister."

They slowly made their way out of the car, their hands immediately linking as they made their way into their house, where they would begin their life as a family of four.

"Hello." Meredith shouted as Derek pushed open the front door with his free hand, the other carrying the car seat where Abigail slept. "Is anybody home?"

"Mommy!" Meredith couldn't help but smile as she heard her daughters excited voice, quickly followed by the sound of her running towards them.

"Annie remember to be careful." Carolyn shouted as she followed behind the young girl who had already at this point, wrapped her arms tight around Meredith's legs.

"It's ok Carolyn." Meredith smiled before slowly crouching down to Annie's eye level. "You look bigger, have you grown?"

"No mommy." Annie giggled as Meredith ran her hands over the young girls hair before wrapping her arms around her. "Where's my sister?"

"She's right there." Meredith pulled back and pointed at the car seat. "But you have to be quiet because she's sleeping right now and doesn't like loud noises."

"Ok mommy." Annie whispered quietly, the smile never leaving her face.

Meredith turned and looked at Derek, smiling as he stretched his hand out towards and helped her back onto her feet.

"How about we go into the living room?" Carolyn asked as she finally approached them. "It will be more comfortable for you."

"Good idea." Derek smiled, taking Annie's hand in his as he walked into the living room with his two girls.

Meredith couldn't help but smile as she watched the three of them go, her heart so full of love.

"She's absolutely beautiful." Carolyn said as she placed a hand on Meredith's arm, watching as she turned her with a smile on her face. "Congratulations dear."

"Thank you Carolyn." Meredith simply wrapped her arms around the older women before pulling back and going to join the rest of the family.

When they walked into the living room, the found Annie crouched down in front of the car seat as she gently touched her younger sisters hand.

"Would you like to hold her?" Meredith asked Annie as she slowly lowered herself on to the sofa. "Derek, can you?"

Derek nodded his head before helping Annie onto the sofa next to Meredith, setting a few pillows around her before crouching down to take Abigail out of her car seat.

"You have to be really careful with her." Derek instructed as he carefully placed Abigail down. "Annie, this is your baby sister, Abigail."

"Daddy. Why isn't she talking?" Annie asked innocently causing the adults in the room to laugh.

"She won't be able to talk for a long time." Derek laughed before moving to sit next to Annie, his arm gently wrapping around her shoulder. "She won't be able to do anything on her own so she's going to need your help, especially when she is learning how to crawl, walk and everything else."

"Ok." Annie smiled and nodded before smiling at her little sister before leaning down to kiss the top of her head. "Mommy can you take her? She's heavy."

"Of course." Meredith gently manoeuvred her body, taking Abigail into her arms as Annie leaned into her side. "Would you like to hold her Carolyn?"

"No, it's fine." Carolyn smiled. "I can wait."

Meredith nodded her head before turning her attention back to her two daughters. This was all she had ever wanted, a family. For as long as she could remember she had just wanted to feel at home and that's exactly where she was.

"Incredible isn't it?" Carolyn whispered to Derek as he looked adoringly at his family.

"I just..." Derek turned towards Carolyn. "I can't believe this is my life. I mean, this is all I ever wanted and now..."

"Just enjoy every single minute son." Carolyn placed her hand on Derek's check, smiling as he leaned into her hand. "I'm just so happy for you. Now go and be with your family."

"Thanks ma." Derek leaned forward and quickly kissed Carolyn's cheek before going to join his family on the sofa.

All Carolyn wanted or her children was for them to be happy and that's exactly what she had got. She had always worried about Derek, he worked too hard and never took time for himself but Meredith had saved him. She had given him a reason to leave work and go home and for that, she would be forever grateful to the young women that had stumbled into their life.

"Thank you." Derek whispered into Meredith's ear.

"For what?" She turned to him with a smile on her face.

"For this." He nodded down towards his two girls, both of them now fast asleep with Abigail holding on tight to Annie's finger. "For everything. I love you."

"I love you too."

It hasn't been easy for them to get where they were today but they had made it. All the ups and downs had been worth it for them to get to this moment because this was forever. Nothing was more important than what was right here in front of them right now, their family.

It's crazy, how someone can go from being a complete stranger to being the love of your life. But that's the crazy thing about life, it shows you what you need before you know you needed it and that's why Meredith and Derek truly were the right definition of 'perfect strangers'.

I'm so sad to be saying goodbye to this story but I feel like this is the perfect time to end it. Thank you for all the love and support on this story, it wouldn't have gone on this long without all of you! So thank you again <333

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