Chapter 2

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Usually when Meredith was surrounded by cake she would be living the dream but right now in this moment, it was a nightmare. Lexie was a nightmare.

"Lexie, it's just cake." Meredith said as she stuck her fork into the chocolate cake and moved it into her mouth.

"It's not just cake Meredith!" Lexie groaned. "It's for my wedding, the most important day of my life, everything needs to be perfect! Including the cake, I should have known you wouldn't understand." Lexie said rolling her eyes before heading over to sit next to Susan.

"Oh Lexie go easy on Meredith will you." Susan said shaking her head.

"No it's fine, she's right Susan. I don't understand, it's just a wedding. I mean it's yours and Marks day so you should just have it the way you want, fuck what anyone else thinks." Meredith said shrugging her shoulders.

"Meredith." Susan scolded her for her foul language.

"Sorry Susan." She looked down at her waistband as she heard her pager beeping. "Saved by the bell, save me some of that chocolate cake." Meredith said as she left the room.

"You're useless!" She heard Lexie shout.

"Love you too Lex!" Meredith shouted back as she laughed to herself before shifting into doctor mode.

"What have we got?" As she pulled her hair up into a pony tail before slipping on a pair of gloves.

"Mary Thompson, was in a car accident and is complaining about abdominal pain, we believe there is some internal bleeding." The intern said as Meredith moved to examine her.

"Hi Mary, I'm Dr Grey..." she said but was interrupted by Mary by coughing and bringing up some blood. Meredith moved a dish in front of her and rubbed her back. "We need to get up to the OR straight away." Meredith said as they pulled up the sides on the bed and immediately began wheeling it towards the OR.

It ended being a longer surgery than Meredith had planned but it had all worked out in the end. Mary had pulled through and was recovering nicely as Meredith made her way to talk to her family.

"Mr Thompson?" Meredith said as she approached them.

"Yes, that's me. How's Mary? Please tell me she is ok." He said as he stood up, his hands shaking slightly and his breathing becoming slightly erratic.

"Ok, just breathe for me ok." Meredith said as she guided him back down onto his chair before sitting next to him. "Mary pulled through, the surgery was a success. You can go and see her now, nurse Olivia will take up up to her room now." She said giving his arm a squeeze.

"Thank you, thank you so much." He said before following nurse Olivia.

Meredith was exhausted as she allowed her body to relax into the chair as she pulled her scrub cap off her head and rolled her neck from side to side. She glanced down at her watch and realised it was finally time for her to head home. Pushing herself up, she walked towards her office and slipped inside desperately wanting nothing more than to go home and sleep.

Finally she was on her way home where she would jump in the shower, have a quick bit to eat before climbing in her bed and staying there until she was needed back here at the hospital. She was too concentrated on her phone as she walked out the hospital that she failed to notice the man in front of her until her body collided with his.

"Oh I'm so sorry..." she said as she looked up and her eyes met the same blue ones from Lexie's engagement party that had captivated her attention. "Hey, Derek right?"

"Yeah, Meredith how are you?" He asked as he lifted his cup and sipped his coffee. For weeks now he had been longing to bump into her again after failing to get her number.

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