Chapter 34

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Derek was relieved to be stepping off that plane and to finally be back in Seattle, even as the rain poured around him. He was home. It had been the longest week being back from Meredith but now he was back and finally had some time off, he could make the most of being back with her. Starting with a well over due date night.

The drive home was long, as he manoeuvred his way through the streets carefully. Pulling into their drive, he smiled at seeing Meredith's car parked there meaning he would get to see her sooner than he planned to. Deciding to leave his bags, he ran out of his car and straight through the front door, shaking off the rain as he hung his coat up.

"Mer, I'm home!" Derek shouted but was met with silence. "Meredith?" Derek frowned as he moved through the house but found every room empty. He checked every room before finally moving upstairs and found her curled up in their bed.

Leaning on the door, he watched as she slept for a short while before pushing himself up and headed over to sit on the edge of the bed. He reached out and ran his fingers through her hair before cupping her cheek in his hand.

"Mer, hey." He shook her gently in the hopes that she would wake. As she had never been a light sleeper, it took a while before she finally opened her eyes to meet his. "Hey."

"Hey, you're home." Meredith said softly as she stretched her body out before sitting up before they were face to face. She leaned in and pressed her lips to his before pulling back. "When did you get back?"

"Just this minute. You feeling ok?" He asked as he noticed how quiet she was being.

"I don't know." Meredith sighed. "I need to talk to you..."

"Oh, ok." Derek replied, concerned at where this was going to go. "Let me just get out of these wet clothes, have a shower and change then we can talk, ok?"

"Ok." She smiled. "I'll be downstairs waiting for you when you're done."

"Alright." Derek watched as she moved to get out of the bed before being stopped by Derek grabbing her hand and pulling her back into his body. "I missed you." He mumbled as he pressed his lips to the top of her head.

"I missed you too." She cuddled further into his chest and held on to him tightly.

Derek smiled at the fact that she wasn't being distant with him but he couldn't help but let his mind run wild at the outcome of their impending conversation.

Whilst Derek was in the shower, Meredith headed downstairs and poured them both of drink and some food before sitting at the table, twirling her engagement ring around her finger. Her eyes resting firmly on the box placed in front of her.

"Hey." Derek watched as Meredith jumped slightly, clearly startled by his sudden arrival. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you jump." He laughed before moving to sit next to her.

"No it's fine, just a bit on edge." She laughed with him.

"I've noticed." Derek nodded, a serious expression on his face now. "Seriously Mer, whatever it is, you can tell me, you know that right?" He reached out to take her hand in his and gave it a squeeze forcing her to look up at him.

"I don't even know where to start..." Meredith sighed. "Everything is such a mess and we didn't plan for any of this to happen, I mean not this soon anyways. I mean your mom has been amazing these last few days and I don't know if I would have made it through this without her..."

"You went to see ma?" Derek interrupted as he smiled at her, his eyes sparkling at the thought of Meredith and his mom getting along so well.

"I did, she's so amazing and her cakes, wow." Meredith smiled widely.

"Amazing aren't they." Derek laughed as Meredith nodded enthusiastically.

"They are." She smiled before getting back on track. "Anyways, I don't know how to tell you this, so here..."

She pulled her hand out of his and pushed the box towards him before he frowned as he lifted the box up. As she watched him look at the items inside, she bit her nails nervously as she watched him pick up the most important thing that was in there.

"Meredith...does this mean...are you..." Derek gasped as the tears pooled in his eyes as his eyes met hers.

Meredith simply nodded her head in response as her own tears streamed down her face at their own will, nothing was stopping them.

"Are you alright about this? I mean after everything." Derek asked.

"I mean, I'm scared so scared because I've got this fear that it is going to happen again but I'm also excited..." Meredith admitted.

"We are going to have a baby." Derek choked back as he held the positive pregnancy test in his hand.

"We are having a baby." Meredith smiled as finally allowed herself to get excited about having a baby with Derek.

Derek looked at the pregnancy test once more before placing it down and moving to scoop Meredith into his arms, causing her to laugh and squeal as he spun them around. He then placed her down on the floor as they kept their arms wrapped around one another, not wanting to let go.

"We can do this can't we?" Meredith ran her fingers through his curls.

"We can do this." He said in between kissing her.

Whilst this hadn't been in their plans so soon after losing a baby not so long ago, it was exactly what they needed. They were going to be a family.

Their own little family. They were going to be 'The Shepherds'.

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