Chapter 20

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Meredith smiled as her feet hit the warm sand and the breeze snaked its way through her hair. It felt amazing to be away from the hospital for a bit  and finally have some time to relax without the fear of being paged to the hospital.

"Hey." Meredith felt a pair of hands slide around her waist before Derek's head came to rest on Meredith's shoulder and he kissed her cheek.

"I never want to go home." She stated as she relaxed back into his body.

"We've not even been here a day and you're already talking about home, you missing work?" Derek laughed as Meredith turned in his arms to face him.

"Not at all." Meredith smiled as she ran her fingers through his hair. "It's just nice, just being us and having no interruptions."

"Hmm." Derek sighed happily as he let his eyes wonder up and down Meredith's body. The black bikini hugging her body perfectly. "Plus, I'm a massive fan of the lack of clothing." He winked at her as his hands began to wonder down her body.

"Me too." Meredith allowed her eyes to drop down his perfectly chiseled body.

"I'm going for a swim, you coming?" He asked as Meredith shook her head causing him to frown. "Why not?"

"I can't swim." Meredith laughed as she shrugged her shoulders. "But go, I will sit with our stuff and catch a tan."

"Alright, I won't be long." He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers before running down to the water.

Meredith stood and watched as Derek reached the water before diving in. She shook her head and laughed to herself before lying back down on her towel and basking in the midday sun.

"Hello there." A male voice was heard from beside Meredith as she pried her eyes open and was met with brown eyes looking down at her.

"Hmm, hi." Meredith smiled to be polite but sat up and wrapped a towel around herself, suddenly feeling uncomfortable at being under this man's gaze. She desperately searched for Derek in the hopes he was on his way back but failed to find him.

"Lovely day isn't it?" The man smiled, clearly not getting the hint that Meredith wasn't interested. "Sorry, I've just realised that I seem like a massive creep just coming up to you like this...I'm sorry." He said, running his hands through his blonde hair.

"It's fine." Meredith laughed at seeing how genuine his apology was.

"I just saw you sat on your you're gorgeous so I was coming to ask you if you maybe wanted to go and grab a drink?" He said shrugging his shoulders and rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh." Meredith gasped and thought of the best way to let him down gently. "I'm actually here with my boyfriend so..."

"Oh, my bad, I'm sorry." He laughed. "The name is Shawn by the way." He held his hand out for Meredith to shake.

"Meredith." Derek shouted as he walked up the beach towards the door of him, his eyes dark with jealousy.

"Derek, how was your swim?" She asked standing up and handing him his towel.

"Good, it was good." He said never taking his eyes off the man in front of him as his eyes began to wonder over Meredith's body again now she wasn't wrapped in a towel. His arm immediately went round Meredith's lower back, his hand gripping his hip and started drying his hair with the towel.

"Oh this is Shawn." Meredith introduced the two of them and watched as Derek continued to glare at the man in front of them.

"I'm just going to get going..." Shawn said pointing back to his group of friends who were watching the interaction.

"Yeah, you should." Derek spat out.

"Derek." Meredith whispered harshly. "It was nice meeting you Shawn." She smiled at him as he waved and quickly departed, suddenly feeling uncomfortable under Derek's gaze.

As soon as Shawn left, Derek released Meredith and used both hands to dry himself with the towel.

"What was that?" Meredith asked, crossing her arms over her chest causing her boobs to push up even further.

"What was what?" Derek asked as he shrugged and moved to lie down.

"Oh you was jealous." Meredith laughed when the realisation hit her.

"I don't get jealous." Derek closed his eyes and lay back, letting the sun hit his skin.

"Hmm, right." Meredith moved to lie down in between his legs so her head was resting on his chest as she looked up at him. "The jealous thing, very hot." She whispered only loud enough for Derek to hear as she kissed his chest before lying down to press her ear to his chest so she could hear his heartbeat.

"I don't get jealous." Derek mumbled quietly but Meredith could still hear as she laughed again.

"Alright, whatever." Meredith shook her head, knowing that Derek was in complete denial.

Later that night they were back back in their room getting ready to go for dinner, with Derek currently in the shower as Meredith stood in the mirror placing her earrings in her ears.

"Derek can you come and zip my dress up for me?" Meredith asked as she heard the shower shut off.

"Yeah." Derek answered as he walked out of the bathroom, with a towel wrapped around his waist , the water running down his chest and stomach. "Turn around."

Meredith turned and allowed Derek to zip her dress up, smiling as she felt his hands start to move over her body before she felt his lips press to her neck.

"There." Derek said softly.

"Thank you." Meredith turned to smile at him, her blonde hair falling in soft curls over her shoulders and down her back, also a soft layer of make up on her face.

"You look gorgeous." Derek said in awe, his eyes blue eyes going dark with lust.

"No." She stepped back and pointed a finger at him. "Hands to yourself mister, you promised me a steak, a big basket of carbs and a bottle of wine. So save that for later."

"You're such a tease." Derek shook his head before moving over to change into his clothes.

"Yeah, well that's why you love me." Meredith winked and giggled at him as she walked into the bathroom.

Derek had never felt so relaxed in his life and this holiday with Meredith is exactly what he needed. Hearing her hum to herself out of tune, he couldn't help but smile to himself at just how perfect Meredith was and this time away had just confirmed for him.

He was going to marry this girl.

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