Chapter 29

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Morning came too soon for Meredith's liking as the sun began to shine through the gap in the curtain but that wasn't what woke her. A pair of lips were pressing their way up her body until they reached her neck.

"I know you're not asleep." Derek mumbled into ear before pressing one last kiss to cheek.

"Mmm, yes I am." She waved her hand in the air and moved her head from her pillow and placed it on Derek's chest causing Derek to laugh.

"Happy birthday Meredith." He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head and watched as she finally opened her eyes and turned to look up at him.

"Thank you." Her green eyes shined as they met his own, before she leaned in and pressed her lips to his. "Hmm." Meredith groaned as she pulled away.

"What?" Derek frowned.

"Morning breath." She grimaced as she pulled away from him, letting him move out of the bed.

"Sorry. This is me going to brush my teeth." He laughed as Meredith hummed in response before cuddling into his pillow and closing her eyes again. "No, don't go back to sleep, I've got plans for us today, so come on get up."

Derek pulled his boxers up and watched as Meredith made no move to get out of bed, so he reached forward and pulled the covers off her, leaving her body exposed to him.

"Derek." Meredith groaned. "I'm tired."

"You've got plenty of time to sleep later but now you need to get up, go shower. We are leaving in just over a hour so up." He watched as Meredith finally rolled out of bed and walked passed him and into the bathroom.

Whilst Meredith was upstairs getting ready, Derek took the bags that he had packed the night before and went and placed them in the boot of the car before heading inside to pour some coffee into a flask for the both of them. He grabbed a banana, a couple of granola bars and a muffin, knowing Meredith was going to get hungry on the drive.

"Hey." Derek smiled at Meredith as she walked into the kitchen. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah, sure." Meredith shrugged her shoulders before turning, allowing Derek to place a hand on her lower back as he guided her out of the house and down to the car. He held open her door for her before climbing in himself and reversing out of the drive.

Meredith took the opportunity to take the flask and took a big gulp, sighing as the coffee burned its way down her throat and woke her senses.

"Where are we going exactly?" Meredith frowned as she looked out of the window, no longer recognising where they were.

"That my love..." Derek reached over and took her hand in his and pressed his lips to the back of it. "Is for me to know and you to find out."

"I hate surprises." Meredith frowned as she pulled her hand out of his and turned to look back at the window.

"I know you do." Derek laughed. "There is food in the bag."

Meredith didn't say a word as she leaned forward and immediately grabbed the muffin, bringing up to her lips and taking a huge bite, a smile finally back on her face.

2 hours in to the drive, Meredith had feel back to sleep, her feet curled up under her as her head was resting on the window. Derek knew he should wake her as they were minutes away from arriving but she looked so peaceful. Deciding to leave until the last minute, Derek parked the car in front of what would be their home for the next few days, he switched the engine off before turning to gently shake Meredith's shoulder.

"Mer, wake up, we're here." He watched as she rubbed at her eyes before finally lifting her head up as she stretched her body out.

"Hmm." Meredith looked out at the small cottage that stood in front of them. "Wow, it's gorgeous."

"Yeah." Derek agreed but he wasn't staring at the cottage at front of them. Meredith turned to face him with a smile on her face before rolling her eyes and shaking her head.

"You're so...ugh." Meredith giggled before gasping. "Wait, I haven't got any clothes, what am I going to wear?"

"Don't worry about that, I took it upon myself to pack for us both last night after you had fallen asleep." He cupped her face in his hand. "You head up and I will grab the bags."

Together they moved out of the car, with Meredith heading up to the front door as Derek moved to grab the bags, careful to place her presents into his own bag so she wouldn't find them.

"Derek!" Meredith shouted. "Where's the key?"

"The owner said they would place it under the flower pot." He shouted back as he flung his bag over his shoulder and held hers in his other hand as he walked up to stand next to her.

"Got it!" Meredith cheered as she took the key and placed it into the lock before pushing the old door open.

As soon as the door opened they immediately overcome with a homely feeling.

"Where did you find this place?" Meredith asked as she walked round, admiring the place.

"My moms friend, Elisabeth owns it. I thought it would be nice for us to get away and it just" Derek dropped the bags down and moved to stand behind Meredith, his arms going round her waist.

"It's perfect." She smiled before turning in his arms. "Thank you." She brushed her lips against his softly.

"It's my pleasure but it doesn't stop here. So how about you go upstairs, unpack your things and I will get some food started. I know the fridge is stocked as Elisabeth agreed to do so."

"So you mean you paid her to go and do our food shopping?" Meredith smirked as her arms wrapped around his neck and raised her eyebrows.

"Guilty." They both laughed before kissing once more before Meredith moved upstairs.

Derek moved to his bags and started placing Meredith's gifts out on the table, the last thing he took out was a small velvet box, which he held tight in his hand before slipping it into his pocket as he heard Meredith coming back down the stairs.

This was just the start of Meredith's birthday, but he had bigger and better plans to make this a weekend she would never forget.

Perfect strangers Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora