Chapter 42

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It was an unusually warm, sunny day in Seattle as Meredith walked around the hospital, her arms filled with charts as she moved to collapse down into the chair behind the nurses station.

"Are you alright Grey?" Bailey asked as she walked over to the nurses station.

"Hmm, my back is killing me. I mean I'm only 22 weeks, I'm just going to get even bigger and..." Meredith sighed as she stretched her back out in relief at finally being able to sit down.

"Just take it easy." Bailey closed the chart and looked up to her. "That baby isn't worth it, so just take your time."

"I will, thanks Bailey." Meredith smiled up at her. "I've got a scan in a few hours and then I'm off for the rest of the day, so I'm just going to sit here and do charts."

"Good..." they were interrupted by Baileys pager ringing out before she waved before moving quickly down the corridor.

The hours flew by as she continued to work her way through her charts, snacking on crisps and chocolate before the time come for her to head upstairs.

"Hey Meredith." The nurse smiled cheerfully as Meredith walked over to the desk. "Here to see if you can finally found out what the little one is today."

"We are indeed." Meredith smiled back and looked round the room, hoping that Derek was already there. "Have you seen Derek at all?"

"Not yet, I can ask around and see if anyone has seen him?" She frowned before looking for another nurse.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he will be here." Meredith gave a forced smile before heading over to take a seat.

Her leg started to bounce as her fingers tapped nervously on the arm of the chair as the minute ticked by and Derek still hadn't shown up.

"Meredith, I'm ready when you are." Arizona smiled as she stepped out of an exam room and waited for Meredith to enter. "No Derek today?"

"He should be here, he probably got held up at work." Meredith gave a smile as Arizona helped her up on to the bed.

"That's fine, if you want to phone him, we can wait. You're the only one I'm seeing today, so I don't mind waiting." Arizona said as she smiled softly towards Meredith.

"Are you sure?" Meredith watched as Arizona nodded her head. "Can you just pass me my phone out of my lab coat?"

"Of course." Arizona walked over and took the phone out of the pocket and handed it to Meredith. "Take your time, just give me a shout when you're ready."

Arizona gave Meredith a gentle squeeze on the arm before walking out and leaving the room, shutting the door to give Meredith privacy.

Meredith scrolled her phone until her finger hovered over Derek's number where she pressed it and held the phone up to her ear. It rang for a short while before it went to voicemail.

She had to hold back the tears that threatened to spill down her cheeks. Today was suppose to be a happy day they would share together and talk about for the rest the evening until they finally fell asleep. But it looked like she was going to be doing this alone.

Deciding against that, she scrolled through her phone and clicked on Carolyn's number. It rang but it wasn't for long until she heard Carolyn's comforting voice echo down the phone.

"Hello Meredith, is everything alright? I thought you had your scan today?" Carolyn said down the phone.

"Yeah I do. I'm here now." She bit her lower lip so she didn't cry. "I was just wondering if you was come to the scan..."

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