Chapter 18

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Lexie was fed up of being pregnant now, as she waddled round the house with one hand resting on her bump whilst the other rubbed the bottom of her back.

"Are you going to be ok today?" Mark asked as he walked in to fill up his flask with some fresh coffee.

"Yes." Lexie rolled her eyes. "Meredith is coming over soon and we are going to get the rest of little man's clothes ready. Before you say anything I'm not going to do any heavy lifting and I will be taking it easy, I will be sitting all day." She smiled at him.

"Good." Mark said as he checked his watch. "I better get going."

Mark walked towards the front door with Lexie following closely behind him.

"I'm hoping to get it out of Meredith today about who she is dating. I mean she don't date so he must be pretty special." She watched as Mark said nothing as he sipped at his coffee. "Oh, you know."

"What? No I don't know anything." Mark said, his face clearly giving him away.

"You're lying to me." Lexie said as she placed her hands on her hips.

"I'm going now, bye love you." Mark kissed her quick as all but ran to his car.

"Unbelievable." Lexie shut the door and walked back into the kitchen. "Your daddy is unbelievable and I hope you know that." Lexie smiled as she felt her son kick away.

It was only a short while later that Lexie heard the front door open and she heard Meredith's voice before she finally walked to join her in the kitchen.

"Hey Lex." Meredith greeted her with a huge smile on her face as she walked over and placed her hands on her bump. "And hello to you my favourite little nephew." Meredith laughed as she felt him kick away.

"Hmm." Lexie hummed.

"What's up?" Meredith frowned as she finally stood to face Lexie with a slight frown on her face.

"You. You're happy." Lexie said as she watched Meredith move to her bag and pull out some food.

"Yeahhh..." Meredith said confused to where this was going.

"Who is he?" Lexie held her hand up as Meredith went to speak. "Ah, don't even lie to me. I know you're dating and I want to know who it is, I mean I'm your sister, you should tell me these things."

"Oh, that's what is bothering you?" Meredith laughed as she popped a few grapes into her mouth. "It's Derek."

"Derek?" Lexie said with a smile on her face. "As in Derek Shepherd, Marks brother?"

Meredith smiled and nodded her head at Lexie. Lexie didn't hesitate to move and wrap her arms tight around Meredith before stepping back.

"Since when?" Lexie asked, suddenly wanting to know everything.

"Well we met for the first time at your engagement party, then we kind of started seeing each other." Meredith shrugged her shoulders.

"That long and you didn't tell me!" Lexie exclaimed as she playfully slapped Meredith's shoulder.

"Relax." Meredith laughed. "It's complicated, we kind of broke up for a bit and have only recently got back together. But this time, this time it's different." Meredith smiled to herself as she thought back to the night where they first said 'I love you' to one another.

"Oh you love him!" Lexie pointed out.

"Yeah." Meredith didn't even think about denying it, she didn't want to hide it anymore. This thing between her and Derek was serious and she wanted to let the whole world know. "I'm having dinner with his mom soon."

"You are?" Lexie watched as Meredith nodded her head. "Carolyn is great, you will love her."

"I don't do parents though, I mean...I don't know I'm just scared she will hate me." Meredith admitted.

"Meredith." Lexie placed her hand on Meredith's shoulder. "She won't hate you. Now come on, baby Sloan is due any day now and we still have so much to sort which is why you are here. So come on." Lexie turned and walked ahead causing Meredith to laugh quietly as she waddled away.

"Oh!" Meredith heard Lexie gasp as Meredith ran to her side to find her standing in a puddle and her trousers wet. "I've just wet myself."

"Lex, are you sure you've wet yourself." Meredith asked as Lexies eyes went wide. "Have you had any back pains? Stomach pains?"

"Hmm, I mean yeah...but..." Lexie turned to Meredith with scared eyes as one hand went to her stomach and her other gripped Meredith's arms tight.

"Alright just relax, come on let's go and get in my car and we will go to the hospital. It won't hurt to get checked out." Meredith smiled as she wrapped her free arm around Meredith and guided her down to the car.

Lexies contractions started coming quick as Meredith drove her to the hospital. It didn't take them long to get there as Mark met them at the entrance with a wheelchair and his face pale.

"Her contractions are 6, well closer to 5 minutes apart, just relax Mark." Meredith laughed as she helped Lexie into the wheelchair and watched as Mark ran off with Lexie into the hospital.

Deciding to stick around, Meredith went and parked her car in the usual spot and headed up to the waiting room, where she grabbed a coffee before going to sit down.

"Mer." Meredith's head flicked up as she heard Derek's voice coming from down the corridor.

"Hey." Meredith pushed herself up and towards him. "What are you doing here?" She asked before Derek leaned down to kiss her quick.

"Mark phoned me. He was panicking, all I gathered from the phone call was that Lexie was in labour and you was bring her here. So I came to offer my support. Also, to keep you company." He smiled as they took their seats once again.

"Here." She offered her coffee towards him as he took a sip and handed it back to her.

"Thanks." He wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "I can't believe Mark Sloan is about to become a father."

"Scary isn't it?" Meredith said before they both started laughing. "He will be a good dad."

"He will." Derek smiled before pulling Meredith into his side tighter before kissing the side of her head.

Meredith couldn't help but imagine a time where Derek would be waiting in the hospital for the arrival of their own child. He paced around the waiting room as his hand was constantly brushing through his hair as he spoke on the phone. She really couldn't wait for the day that they would have their own family.

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