Chapter 4

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Meredith wasn't sure what time it was when she finally opened her eyes. Her back ached from the uncomfortable position that she had slept in but being wrapped in Derek's arms provided a warmth for her that she had never felt before. They had bonded over a bottle of wine, watching as the sun went down and decided that Derek had far too much to drink to drive them home. So here they were, waking up in his car.

"Derek." Meredith said as she let her slender fingers move across and brush across his cheek gently. "It's time to wake up."

She watched as he slowly started fidgeting before his eyes finally opened slowly. Once he had fully opened his eyes, he smiled at Meredith before running his hand through his hair.

"What time is it?" He asked, moving slightly as he shifted her on top of him.

"Hm." She reached out for a phone but found that it had died in the middle of the night. "I have no idea, phones dead." She said as she threw it back down into her bag.

"I should probably get you home." He said as he ran his hand up and down her back.

"Hmm." She simply hummed in response as she cuddled into him tighter, her head resting on his chest as she felt him run his hand up and down.

"Come on." He said giving a squeeze before they sat up and smiled at one another. They climbed out of the back seats and got back into their seats in the front.

"Have you got to work today?" Meredith asked as Derek reversed the car and set off for the hospital.

"Actually I don't." Derek said smiling. "I have a day off today, will probably just catch up with house work, what about yourself?"

"Nope, I've obviously just got to pick my car up from the hospital but apart from that I think I'm just going to have a bath and then sleep." Meredith said laughing as she pulled her hair up and placed it into a ponytail.

"" Derek hesitated and watched as Meredith turned and frowned at him.

"What is it?" Meredith asked as she brushed her fingers over the top of his hand.

"Well if you're free I was wondering if you wanted to come to mine, we can watch films, I'll even cook for you." Derek said, as he turned his attention back to the road and waited for her response.

"Yeah ok." She smiled at him and watched as he flicked his indicator on.

They stayed silent until Derek finally pulled his car up in front of his house. Climbing out of the car, taking each other's hand as Derek lead her upstairs before guiding her into his house.

"I know you said you wanted to have a bath when you got home." Derek said as he took his coat and hung it up before moving to take off Meredith's coat. "Whilst I don't have a bath to offer, you're more than welcome to use my shower. I can leave you some of my clothes on my bed for when you're finished and I will start getting some food ready for us."

"Sounds perfect." She said as she wrapped her arms round his waist and leaned up to kiss him quick.

"Bathroom is the two door on the right." Derek said as he let his hand linger on her back as she moved up the stairs.

Heading into the kitchen he went and turned to oven on so it would warm up before heading upstairs and into his room. From his room he could hear the shower running and he started to pictured Meredith stood in there, the bubbles lathered over her body. She was naked in his bathroom and he wanted nothing more than to go in and join her. But he couldn't.

So instead he carried on finding some clothes small enough for Meredith to wear. He pulled out one of his old college jumped and an old pair of joggers before leaving them folded on the end of his bed. He then decided to get changed himself, pulling on a pair of grey joggers before pulling on a plain white top.

"Hey Derek." He turned and found Meredith peering round the door, her wet hair falling over her shoulder.

"Yeah?" He asked as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Can I have a towel please?" She asked him as she titled her head slightly and smiled at him.

"Oh shit yeah, course." He went to the cupboard on the stairs before walking back over to here. "Here you go." He said as he passed the towel and clothes over to her.

"Thank you." She said smiling at him again before closing the down and disappearing out of his view again.

Derek groaned to himself silent before going to collapse on his bed face down. He wanted Meredith more than anything but he didn't want to rush it and risk losing her. Even if they only stayed at friends, he would be happy with that as long as she was in his life then that's that mattered.

"Hey." He heard her voice again as he rolled over and smiled up at her, his heart swelling as she stood there. "What's the matter?" She asked as she dried her hair on the towel.

"Nothing, nothing." He said shaking his head and letting it collapse back down onto the bed.

"Hmm." Meredith sighed as she dropped the towel before walking over and crawled on the top of him, straddling Derek's waist, her hands going to rest on his chest. "I don't believe you."

"Just work stuff." He lied to her as he let her hands run up and down her thighs as he looked up at her. "Come here." He grabbed her hand and pulled her down to him so they were face to face. Reaching up, he pushed the hair out of her face, smiling at her before leaning in to kiss her.

Meredith smiled into his lips as what started out as an innocent kiss started to get heated as it went on. They started moaning into one another's hands as their hands began roaming and Meredith started grinding her hips against his, causing him to bite down lightly on Meredith's lower lip.

"We should stop." Derek said in between kisses.

"Why?" Meredith asked pulling back as she ran her fingers through his hair before going to kiss up his neck and across his jawline.

"Cause..." he moaned slightly as she nibbled on his neck. "If we don't then we aren't going to stop and..."

"What if I don't want to stop." Meredith said as she sat up and finally looked into his eyes, both of their eyes dark with passion and lust.

"No we can't, not yet." He said as he shook his head and broke their gaze.

"Oh." Meredith sighed, her face dropping. "Right, I should...I should go." Meredith said climbing off of him and walking out of his room.

"Meredith wait." Derek was quick to jump off his bed and chased after her, catching up with her on the stairs. "Stop will you." He said grabbing her arm and forcing her to stop and face him.

"No it's fine. I shouldn't have come here anyways so I will just leave. It doesn't matter that you aren't attracted to me..."

"That's what you think this is about?" He asked frowning at her. "Meredith, I'm so attracted to you I can't even begin to put into words but I really like you. Which I know sounds crazy as we hardly know each other but there's something about you that just catches my attention and it makes me want to know you more. So I don't want to mess this up by sleeping with you straight away, I want to get to know you first. But believe me when I say this..." he said cupping her cheek in his hand. "I really do want to sleep with you. So trust me, ok?"

"Ok." She said smiling at him slightly before leaning into his embrace as he pulled her in for a hug. "I seem to remember you promised me some food." She smiled as she heard his laughter echo throughout his body as her head was pressed into his chest.

"I did, come on. Let's get you feed." He said taking her hand and taking her into the kitchen.

For years now he family have been constantly going on at her, telling her she needed to settle down. But she didn't see the need to rush. She was an amazing surgeon so she was happy and never thought about dating. That was until she met Derek. Maybe now they would get off her back when she turned up to Lexies wedding with Derek on her arm.

Thing was, it wasn't that simple. They still had no idea that would both play a big part in Mark and Lexies wedding.

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