Chapter 7

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Meredith currently hated her job. She hadn't been home in days now, which meant she also hadn't seen Derek in almost a week now.

"Meredith." Bailey said as she walked over to Meredith who was stood at the nurses station.

"Yes Bailey." Meredith held back a yawn as she turned towards her.

"What are you still doing here? If I'm correct you've hardly left the hospital in the past 3 days. So right now, you're going to grab your things and going home. Don't come back until Monday, take the weekend off."

"Wait, what will I do though? Plus I'm off in a weeks time for a few days for Lexies wedding so I can't take even more time off." Meredith said as she followed after Bailey.

"Meredith, you've hardly took any time off, so just go. Relax. You look like you need it." Bailey said before leaving Meredith there with a shocked expression on her face.

Deciding not to argue with it, she headed to her office and grab her things before heading out of the hospital and down to her car. As she walked up to her car she couldn't help but smile as she saw Derek leaning on the front of the car.

"Hey." She said as she watched him lift his head from his phone and smile at him before standing up properly.

"Hey you." He said as he waited for to get closer to him before pulling her into his body and kissing her quick.

"What are you doing here?" Meredith asked as she smiled up at him.

"I had an hour or two to take before my next meeting so I thought I'd come and surprise you. I was going to text you and say to meet me out here so we could eat together. But this works out perfectly." Derek said shrugging his shoulders and cupping her face in his hands. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too. I'm sorry work has been crazy, then everything with the wedding and Lexie has been so sick with morning sickness that I've barely had any time for myself." Meredith said as her hands started waving around.

"Hey, don't apologise. I know what how crazy your job can be. So relax." He said before pulling her in for another kiss.

Meredith's arms wrapped around his neck as he fingers got tangled in curls at the base of their neck as their tongues slipped into one another's mouth. But it was Derek's phone ringing that interrupted them.

"Oh come on." Derek groaned frustrated as he pulled his phone out and swerved it, keeping his one arm wrapped around Meredith.

"Hello." Derek said answering the phone.

Meredith stood there and watched as Derek face went serious as he listened to the other person on the phone.

"I mean it's not ideal but..." he said smiling down at Meredith. "I can be there in like 20 minutes. Alright, bye."

"You have to go." Meredith said watching as Derek nodded his head.

"I'm sorry, looks like my client has showed up early and is demanding to see me now so..." Derek said as he wrapped his other arm around her body.

"I get it. I mean it sucks cause I haven't seen you in over a week now but I get it." She said running her hands up and down his arms lovingly.

"Here." He said handing her a bag from their favourite deli place. "Your favourite sandwich is in there, oh and some cookies."

Meredith took the bag from him and smiled softly at him. She adored that he remembered so many small details about her and picked up on things that she didn't even realised that she did.

"Thank you. Now you should go, can't keep your client waiting." Meredith said as she brushed her fingers through his hair.

"I promise I will make it up to you. Go home and sleep, I'll see you later." He leaned down and kissed her one last time before watching her get into her car and drive off.

Derek was beyond annoyed that his short amount of time had been interrupted but it was all part of his job. So as he drove back to his office he thought about all the places he and Meredith could go for 48 interrupted hours. Where they could just them, the two of them. He decided to get his plans into motion for them to go away after Mark and Lexies wedding.

Meredith walked up to her house, yawning widely as the exhaustion swept over her body and her body slumped as she dragged her body up the steps.

"Meredith." Lexie shouted after her as she ran up the steps to catch up to her. "I have great news!" She exclaimed excitedly.

"You're finally over the morning sickness?" Meredith asked as she put the key into the door and pushed the door open and allowed Lexie to follow her in.

"Oh yeah, that's settled down now. Sort of." Lexie said before shaking her head. "But I met someone, well for you. He is perfect for you and can be your plus one to the wedding." Lexie said as she smiled widely.

"Wait, what..." Meredith said as she slowly turned to face her.

"Yeah, Nathan. He's an old friend and he moved away but he's back and his single. So it's perfect!" Lexie said as she basically bounced on the spot. "I gave him your number, he said he was going to get in contact with you, ask you out for drinks."

"Why would you do that?" Meredith frowned at her sister.

"Because you deserve to meet someone." Lexie said struggling to find what was wrong with the situation.

"You had no right!" Meredith knew she was overreacting but even the thought of going behind Derek's back made her feel sick. "I don't want...I'm seeing someone." She finally admitted.

"You are?" Lexie asked shocked.


"Who is it?" Lexie asked as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"That...look it's new but I really like him Lex and believe it or not, I see a future with him. So I'm not going to rush it. So please, just back off and stay out of my love life." Meredith said as she stared Lexie down.

"Fine." Lexie said. "I should go, Mark is waiting to me." She said turning to leave.

"Lexie, please." Meredith said as Lexie grabbed for the door handle. "I mean it, tell Nathan thanks but I'm not interested."

"Ok." Then she pulled the door open and left.

Meredith knew that herself and Derek couldn't keep their relationship a secret for long but it was theirs. No one sticking their noses in or trying to interfere and they were happy and by letting people know it would open them up to everyone having their thoughts and opinions.

But she wanted this with Derek, a future. A relationship, she wanted a lifetime with him. So she knew, she knew it was time for them to have the conversation about where this was going.

There was no denying she was terrified but that meant she had something to loose, that this thing between them was worth fighting for. So she would fight like hell for it.

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