Chapter 17

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Derek walked into his office with a smile on his face, he laughed to himself as he watched people frown and whisper in his sudden change in moods.

"Morning Meg!" He said cheerfully as he stepped out to the reception.

"Morning Mr Shepherd..." Meg said as she raised her eyebrows and stared at him. "You seem happy."

"I am, really happy." Derek smiled as he thought about Meredith. "Anyways, enough about that, have I got any new cases?"

"Not yet, your mother did phone though." Meg said as she handed over a note to Derek.

"Great." Derek took the note and headed towards the office. He knew he had kind of abandoned his family when he got back with Meredith but they were in their own little bubble and he didn't want any anything to disturb that.

Placing his bag down on his sofa, he moved to sit down behind his desk and pulled out his phone as he dialled his mothers number and held the phone up to his ear.

"Derek." Derek could hear the slight disappointment in his mothers voice.

"Hey ma, I'm sorry for not calling, life just got busy."

"I hope you have a better reason then that for not phoning me for so long. Last time I saw you, you could barely get out of bed and then Mark told me you are all but whistling now."

"Look ma, I know you was worried about me but you don't need to anymore..." he said as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"You're back with Meredith?"

"Wait, did..." Derek asked completely thrown off that his mother knew that he was even with Meredith in the first place.

"When will you kids realise that I know everything." Carolyn laughed down the phone. "I'm glad you're happy son, you're different when you're with Meredith, you're happier. It's all me and your father ever wanted for all of you."

"Thanks ma. I will bring her round for dinner soon, so you can meet her properly." Derek smiled at the thought of Meredith and his mother together.

"I'd like that." Derek could hear some mumbling in the background. "Look I better go, Lexie and Mark are here, she's apparently craving some cookies so yeah. But Derek don't forget to call again."

"I won't Ma. Bye, I love you."  Derek smiled as he hung the phone up and placed it down on his desk.

Shaking his head, he immediately got to work, he knew he had to get all his paperwork done if he wanted to get out of here in time and have time to get ready for his date tonight with Meredith.

"Mr Shepherd." Meg said as she knocked before sticking her head around the door. "You have a visitor, do you want me to let them in?"

"Yeah, go ahead." Derek frowned as he placed his paper to one side and waited for the unexpected visitor to walk in.

"Thank you Meg." Derek's head snapped up as he heard Meredith's voice coming from the door as she stepped inside his office and shut the door behind her.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Derek pushed himself up and walked over to Meredith, pressing his lips to hers quickly.

"I had a few hours in between my surgeries." She smiled at him. "And I brought food and coffee." She held up her hands in front of him.

"Ah I love you." Derek smiled again before leaning to kiss her before taking the coffees from her hand as she placed his hand on her lower back and guided her towards the sofa.

Once they had sat down Meredith pulled Derek's food out of the bag before taking her own in her hands and unwrapping her sandwich as she immediately took a huge bite.

"I told Ma that I would bring you round for dinner one day this week." Derek said suddenly causing Meredith to start choking slightly on her sandwich.

"You did what?" Meredith asked as she took a sip of water and turned to look at him with wide eyes. "Why? I mean why?" Meredith stood up and began pacing the room.

Derek stayed silent as he watched Meredith pace the room as her hands waved around as she rambled on but he failed to hear a word she was saying as he couldn't help but notice how adorable she was being right now.

"Derek!" Meredith shouted as she now stood in front of him with her hands on his hips. "Did you even listen to a word I just said?"

"Look." Derek pushed himself up. "She wants to meet you, properly. I know you've met briefly but she wants to get to know you, it will just be Ma. My sisters won't there, not this time anyways."

"I don't know." Meredith said as she pulled her sleeves over her hands. "What if she hates me?"

"Mer, she won't hate you." Derek stood up and walked over to Meredith, cupping her face in his hands. "You make me happy, she already loves you so much for that reason alone. So dinner, I will make it up to you for dropping this on you suddenly."

Meredith turned up towards Derek and smirked at him.

"You'll make this up to me?" She asked watching as he nodded his head. "Hmm, well I have a few ideas in mind, I mean that is a really nice desk..." she suggested seductively.

"It is a nice desk." Derek leaned down and took Meredith into his arms, her legs immediately wrapping around his waist tight.

Derek carried her over to his desk and placed her on the free space that he had thankfully cleared before she had entered the room. His hands went to her buttons as he started undoing them as he pushed her shirt off her shoulders before placing his lips and pressing kisses down her neck and across her shoulder.

"Did you...did you lock the door?" Meredith gasped as Derek pressed his lips all over her body.

"I did." He said looking up to meet her eyes. "Do you have time?"

"Oh I always have time for this." She grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down on top of him.

The air was filled with their laughters and moans as they let themselves get reacquainted with one another's body. They were back and better then ever.

right help haha, I need some ideas of where to take this story, like do we want to some drama? Or keep it happy? Any suggestions would be appreciated :)

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