Chapter 47

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"Meredith I just moved it from there." Derek sighed as he reached up to wipe the sweet off his forehead.

"Der, it needs to go there or it throws everything off." Meredith said as she bounced lightly in her exercise ball. "You know what, I'll do it."

"I swear if you move off that exercise ball I will phone my ma." Derek threatened as he pointed at Meredith as she paused her movement and tilted her head at him.

"You wouldn't?" She said trying him.

Derek simply took his phone out of his pocket and held up, he watched as Meredith rolled her eyes before continuing to bounce on her ball. Laughing to himself, he slipped his phone back into his pocket before moving to push the draws back to the previous spot.

"Stop, that's perfect." Meredith exclaimed as she looked back in awe at the completed nursery. "It's perfect." She whispered to herself.

They'd decided to avoid with going for the stereotypical pink, as they a soft lavender for the walls, with white furniture and photos of the family hanging on the wall. One the wall above the crib, was 'Annie' spelt out in decorative wooden block letters. Everything was ready, the clothes were washed and the hands were packed. Now all they needed was for baby Shep to be here.

"Now all we need is for our little girl to be here." Derek replied as he placed his hands on her bump before standing up to face her, his lips brushing against hers softly before moving to stand next to her.

"Well she could come any day now, I'm officially full term." Meredith ran her hands over her large stomach, already thinking of how much she was going to miss it once she had gave birth. "Hmm." She sighed as she moved to stretch her back.

"Are you alright? Is it a contraction?" Derek panicked as he moved to stand in front of her. "I'll go and get your bag."

"Derek, stop." Meredith giggled as she watched him run over to the other side of the room and throw the bag over his shoulder. "I'm not in labour you idiot!" She laughed as she watched him attempting to catch his breath back and calm himself down.

"You're not?" He asked with a hint of relief in his voice.

"No." Meredith shook her head and smiled at him. "Just back ache, don't forget I'm carrying a baby, my back is going to hurt, just relax." She reached out and took his hand in hers, giving it a squeeze.

"Ok, relax. Yeah I can do that." Derek said more to himself as he finally looked down at Meredith and gave her a smile.

"Are you going to work today?" Meredith held out her other hand as Derek helped her stand up.

"What? Why would I be going to work?" He frowned as he let go of her hands.

"Because you have to work." Meredith laughed as she took the bag off his shoulder and placed it on the rocking chair. "This baby isn't coming today so go to work, please otherwise you will drive me insane." She said tapping his chest before turning to walk, or more like, waddle out of the nursery.

"Yeah but you could go into labour and you'll be on your own, I need to be here in case something happens." He argued as he followed behind her before linking her arm with his and helping her down the stairs.

"Right, if at any point in the day, I feel a contraction or something feels different then I will phone you. But please, for my sanity, go to work." She had both her hands placed on his chest as she smiled up to him.

"Alright." He finally gave in. "But I'm spending Ma to come over and check on you at lunch time." He said leaning down to kiss her.

"Fine. Now go." Meredith turned him and pushed him back towards the stairs before she turned and headed into the kitchen.

Meredith was stood eating a piece of toast when Derek walked in wearing his suit, the tops buttons undone as he had his eyes down on his phone.

"Hmm." Meredith sighed as she glanced from Derek before moving to pick up another piece of toast.

"What?" Derek asked as he looked up and smiled at Meredith.

"I forgot how hot you looked in suits." She said looking him up and down. "But that's why I am currently in this position." She nodded down towards her bump.

"Right." Derek laughed before he moved to take a bite of the toast in Meredith's hand before making himself a coffee. "So I'll see you later then. Don't forget phone me..."

"I will." Meredith cut him off. "I love you."

"I love you too." He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers, this time it lasted a bit longer as Derek cupped her face in his hand. "I'll see you later."

"Bye." Meredith smiled as he left the kitchen and headed out of the front door.

At the sound of the front door shutting, Meredith groaned as Annie started to kick away, clearly missing Derek's voice.

"If you stop kicking then mommy will make some popcorn." Meredith spoke softly to her stomach as the kicks slowed down and started becoming softer. "That's my girl."

That's how Meredith spent most of her day, curled up on the sofa watching daytime tv before moving to wash the rest of the baby clothes.

She was standing at the kitchen table when she felt a sharp pain spread around her stomach and up her back. It was unlike any pain she had felt before as she took a deep breath in before moving to take a seat.

"No, you can't come today. Mommy isn't ready. I can't do this." Meredith sighed as she let her head drop back before it snapped back up as the same pain radiated through her body.

"Ok, it looks like we are doing this today." She slowly pushed herself up and started walking back to the living room so she could grab her phone but stopped when she saw Derek walk through the door.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, trying to not sound to relieved to see him.

"Look, I know you told me to go to work but I had a feeling, like something bad was going to happen so I came home. I'm sorry but you can shout at me later." He said holding his hands up in his defence.

"Don't worry, I'm actu..." she stopped as she leaned forward and groaned out loud as another contraction washed over her body.

"Mer, what is it?" Derek asked, he was immediately at her side, his hand buried in hers whilst the other went to rub at her back.

"I'm having contractions." She said as she was finally able to stand back up. "I'm in labour."

"You are?" He asked with a huge smile on his face. He watched as Meredith simply nodded her head and smile back at him. "She's coming. Our little girl is coming."

"She is. Annie is coming." Meredith leaned in and brushed her lips against his.

This was one of the last few moments that they would get where it would just be the two of them. Soon it would be the three of them, they would finally be a family and have their miracle baby here in their arms. But for now they were going to cherish every moment of them just being Meredith and Derek before they finally became mommy and daddy.

Sooooooooo, just a little warning for you now but there is going to be some drama coming up hehe, bye <3

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