Chapter 41

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Derek watched as Meredith stormed around their room in just her underwear as her hand rested on her growing stomach.

"Mer, just wear something casual, we are only going for food with my family." Derek regretted opening his mouth as he watched Meredith turn round and glare at him.

"I can't wear anything causal because none of my clothes fit me! It's all your fault!" Meredith shouted as she pointed at him.

"How this is my fault?" Derek frowned as Meredith walked back over to their wardrobe.

"Because you did this to me, it's your fault I'm pregnant." Meredith didn't look at him as she continued flicking through her clothes.

"Well, you wasn't complaining at the time." Derek whispered only loud enough for him to hear as he wasn't looking to anger Meredith anymore. He had to dodge the pillow that flew his direction as he watched Meredith storm into the bathroom.

"Mer..." Derek sighed as he picked up his jacket and walked towards the bathroom door. "I'm sorry..." he approached carefully, scared that whatever he might say or do will cause her to freak out again.

"No, I'm sorry." She sighed as she turned to face him. "I just feel huge all of a sudden and I have no clothes to wear, or they aren't comfortable at all..."

"We can cancel if you want? My mom and the sisters will understand." Derek cupped her cheek in her hand and ran his thumb over her cheek lovingly.

"No we can go, I will just need to borrow one of your shirts." She smiled at him.

"Of course, come on." He took her hand and directed her to the wardrobe where he pulled out his light blue shirt that he knew she loved and handed it over to her.

"You're so beautiful." Derek admitted out loud as he sat back and admired Meredith as she was finally dressed.

"You have to say that..." she smiled as she quickly ran a brush through her hair. Her hand went to her stomach and she frowned.

"You alright?" He asked as he pushed himself and moved to stand next to her.

"Yeah, just using my bladder as a trampoline and now I need to pee again." She said as she looked up to him.

"We'll go pee and then we will get going." He laughed and leaned down to kiss her before moving downstairs.

Eventually, they had climbed into the car and were finally on the way to his mothers.

"What about Annie if it's a girl?" Meredith asked as she looked up from her phone and glanced at Derek.

"Annie, I like it. But we still don't know what baby Shep is, they are already stubborn like their mommy." He laughed as Meredith reached out and slapped his chest.

"You're unbelievable." Meredith rolled her eyes but couldn't help but laugh along with him.

They both frowned when they saw the long line of traffic that they were about to hit.

"What the..." Derek slowed right down until the car came to a complete stop.

"There must have been an accident." Meredith tried her best to look around the cars as her hand went to rub at her stomach, trying to soothe the baby from the hard kicks they were currently delivering.

"Yeah, I better phone ma and let her know what's going on. Otherwise she will stress, you know what she's like." Derek took his phone out of his pocket and rang his mom.

Meredith listened as Derek spoke to his mom, constantly reassuring her that they were both alright but it wasn't likely that they were going to make it. So whilst he was doing so, she continued to look at the long list of baby names.

"Ma said not to worry about making it today. She said she will have us over again at another point." Derek sighed as he finally got off the phone and slipped it back in his pocket.

"Good." She turned and smiled at Derek. "As we are going to be stuck here for good knows how long, we should start picking some of our favourite names."

"Let's go, what have we got so far." He said as he relaxed in his seat and turned to face Meredith.

"Right girls names, we have Annie, Elizabeth, Isla and McKenzie. Then boys Greyson and Ethan. I don't have as many boys names yet so I was hoping you could help me out." Meredith turned to him and bit her lower lip.

"Here, give me your phone." He took Meredith's phone out of her hand and started flicking through the list of names.

For hours they were stuck in the traffic and thankfully Meredith had filled her bags with snacks as they finally came down to choosing their favourite name for both a girl and a boy. As the cars in front of them started to move, Derek focused his eyes back onto the road as he drove them back home.

"So we have our names then." Meredith said enthusiastically as she smiled at Derek, her hand resting on top of his which was placed on her thigh.

"We do indeed, let's just hope this one lets us see if they are a boy or girl." He said as he placed his hand on Merediths stomach.

"We have our next scan in a few days so we should know by then. But I don't want anyone knowing either of the names, not until the little one is born." Meredith said as she turned to face Derek.

"I agree. My lips are sealed." He parked the car in their drive as he leaned over and pressed his lips to hers softly. "Come on, let's get you inside and fed."

As they finally got back in and settled, Meredith couldn't help but sit back and admire how incredible Derek was being. She laughed as he danced round the kitchen, swaying his hips as cooked them some dinner. Moving towards the table, he held a hand out for her and pulled her up from her chair as they danced through the kitchen together.

"I love you." Meredith giggled before leaning up to kiss him quick.

"I love you too. Both of you." He smiled at her before wrapping his arms around her and hugging her into his body tightly as they swayed to the music.

A few years ago, Meredith would have laughed at this type of thing, claiming it was cheesy. But now she understood what it was really like to be in love. Now she didn't care about any of that because she had Derek and they would soon have their baby. They would be a family and her life would be complete.

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