Chapter 48

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The hours had slowly dragged by as Meredith battled her way through each contraction, just waiting and hoping that she wouldn't be stuck like this for too long.

"I'm so tired." She cried out as she gripped the bedsheets, riding out another contraction.

"I know, I wish I could do more for you." Derek was crouched down beside her, massaging the bottom of her back during each contraction.

"No, you're doing enough." She turned and smiled at him. "How far apart was that?"

"Closer to 8 minutes now." He glanced at his watch before turning back to Meredith. "I think it's time we head to the hospital now."

"I think you're right." She sighed closing her eyes for a short second before standing up with the help from Derek.

"I'll help you downstairs first and then I will come back up and grab your things. You've got this and I'm so proud of you." He leaned and kissed her forehead whilst cupping her cheeks in his hands.

"This hurt so much." She cried, relived to finally have a break in contractions as her body relaxed into Derek's.

"I know, if I could take the pain I would but just think, really soon we are going to be holding our little girl in our arms. She's going to look just like you." He watched as Meredith smiled and shook her head.

"You don't know that." She giggled slightly.

"Oh I do, she's going to look just like you. Which means I'm screwed." They both laughed until Meredith's stopped and her face screwed up and she gripped on tightly to Derek's top and groaned out loud. "That's it, that's my girl."

Meredith couldn't ask for anyone better to help her through her contractions. Derek was doing everything right, he wasn't panicking and he was always making sure that she was comfortable and alright.

"That was a big one." Derek massaged her back before helping her stand up and wrapped his arm around her back. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah." Meredith sighed as he slowly helped her down the stairs, not letting go of her until she was leaning against the back of the couch.

"I'll just go and grab your bag, I will be back shortly." He watched as Meredith nodded her back whilst rocking on her heels and stretching her back out.

Derek didn't waste any time in running up the stairs and down to the nursery where he grabbed the bag and threw it on his shoulder. He then headed down to their room to grab Meredith another change of clothes before he took a moment to just breathe. It was all hitting him that he was going to be a father really soon and be responsible for another person. He couldn't panic, he just had to be there for Meredith.

As he was heading down the stairs he heard Meredith groaning and crying as she crouched down and gripping the sofa tightly.

"Hey, I'm sorry I'm here. I'm here." He said immediately at Meredith's side.

"I can't do this, I'm already so tired. Please can we just go up to bed and sleep. Please." Meredith cried as her exhausted body collapsed back into Derek's arms.

"I wish we could." He gave a soft and sad smile as he brushed the hair out of her face. "But I'm going to take you to the hospital now so they can give you all the drugs you want."

"This is why I keep you around." Meredith laughed before they both finally stood up.

They took their time making their way down to the car, stopping every now and then as the contractions continued to battle Meredith's body. Derek made sure she was as comfortable as she could be moving around and climbing into the drivers seat.

"Ready?" Derek asked as he placed his hand on her thigh and gave it a squeeze. Meredith nodded her head, with tears in her eyes as Derek started to manoeuvre the car towards the hospital.

"What do you think she will look like?" Meredith asked as she shifted in her seat, knowing her body was preparing her for yet another contraction.

"Well, I reckon she will have your hair, like it will be blonde but with my curls. I really hope she has your eyes..." he stopped when Meredith's face scrunched up and he had to do his best not to pull the car over so he could be there for her.

"Oh..." Meredith gasped.

"What's the matter?" Derek quickly glanced to her before turning back to the road.

"My waters..." Meredith glanced down at her lap before turning back to Derek with wide eyes. "My waters just broke."

"Ok, ok." They both smiled at one another as Derek took Meredith's hand in his. "We will be there soon, really soon."

Meredith let her eyes drift to her stomach as her hands ran over her bump, taking in the last few moments of being able to feel their daughter kick and knowing she was safe and happy in there. But soon she would be here in her arms and she couldn't wait to experience life with her forever best friend.

"We will be there in about 5 minutes." Derek said as he happily tapped his fingers on the steering wheel.

"Ok." Meredith turned to face him. "Derek!" She screamed.

But it was too late. A car had come flying towards them and crashed right into the drivers side, sending their car spiralling down the road before coming to an abrupt stop by slamming against the lamppost.

The car hissed as smoke blew from the front as both Meredith and Derek lay there, unconscious as blood poured from all over their bodies.

So much for it being the happiest day of their lives...

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