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Nothing changed. At least Zoro's attitude didn't change. He acted like normal, frowning and looking grumpy when he should. Eating like he normally does, smiling around Chopper, Usopp and Luffy like always. Ignoring the cook, and pissing the man off like normal.

Now Sanji is the only one that's not acting like normal. He seem to be more mad at Zoro than he really should be. During lunch he kept glaring at Zoro but the man only ignored him to eat. Then he tried to coax Zoro into coming down from his training to fight him but Zoro didn't come down from his little tower. During lunch it was awkward because no one knew what to do. If they tried to interfere they might incur the wrath of both of the them, but can they leave it like it is? 

"Sorry." Nami says rubbing her tattoo, while she look down at the grass, head hanging low in guilt. "I wanted to see some drama between the two. They are connected in a way no one else can be so I thought it would okay. I didn't think it would get Sanji so mad. Usually what Zoro does and say doesn't make him that mad." She explains herself. 

Usopp nods, "I didn't think he would get that mad about Zoro saying to leave him. I mean he did leave that note. Besides, how many times have we forgot about Zoro on an island and Sanji has told us to leave him?" Usopp says. "It's just karma at this point right?"

"Is there a way we can help?" Chopper asks. 

"I think that is up to Sanji and Zoro. Maybe Sanji more. I think he should apologize. What he said to Zoro is taking it to far." Robin tells the small group, very obvious that she's upset about what had happened. 

"I will say, Zoro is amazing, to be yelled that in the face and not look hurt. If it were me I would have cried." Usopp says looking up at the crows nest, the light shining clearly with how dark it is. They all should be getting ready for bed but instead they are at the helm talking. Well all but Luffy, who is with Sanji in the galley getting any left over or scraps of some sort before bed.

"But we can't make Sanji apologize to Zoro." Brook says.

"We can't do anything." Franky points out, those two won't listen to them. Sanji might if the girls tell him but that wouldn't be right considering Zoro will know Sanji doesn't mean it. Zoro would rather be in debt more than follow Nami. 

"Hopefully this settles itself." Robin says. She smiles when she sees Chopper yawn. "I think it's time for bed." She says, and everyone agrees with her. They all make their way to brush their teeth, getting a last minute drink of water. Taking a bath if they need one and go into their room, to their soft beds and pillows. 

As Robin settled into her bed she couldn't help but notice Nami sitting on her bed not moving. Robin finally stops, turning her attention to the other woman. She doesn't ask anything but Nami knew she would so she answers first. "I still feel bad. I really didn't mean for all that to happen. I didn't mean to hurt them both."

"Hurt them both?" Robin ask curious.

"Yeah, Sanji got mad because he was hurt wasn't he? Zoro must also feel hurt that Sanji is mad at him." She say looking guilty. Robin nod, it made sense about why Sanji got so mad at Zoro. He must not have thought Zoro would say that but... she thought back to Water 7, after Enis Lobby, with Usopp, about what Zoro told Luffy when it comes to the long nosed man. Zoro makes some good points, and he did again with Sanji. But of course how were any of them suppose to know about Sanji's horrible family or the assassination of them all by Big Mom? But that still doesn't let Sanji off the hook in her book. All Zoro did was voice his opinion to Luffy about letting the cook do what he want, Sanji went to far, telling Zoro he wouldn't be love. Everyone deserved that. She got it and her nickname, printed on her wanted poster is demon child. Everyone in this world isn't born alone. "I hope they are okay." Nami says, then gets comfortable. 

Robin smiles. First she checks on Sanji, to see him giving Luffy his before bed meal. A smile on his face. Robin nods, it seems Sanji is really only mad at Zoro. She makes her eyes disappear then make them appear in the crows nest to check on Zoro. It's all normal, Zoro lifting his weight in both hands as he stood there shirtless, shoes abandoned somewhere near the hatch, a towel on the couch along with one of his water bottles. Robin is about to disappear, they both seem okay, but Zoro dropping his weight heavily stops her. She moves her eye to get a better look as Zoro goes to his knees. Zoro takes a deep breath, in then out as he rest a hand over his heart. If she made her mouth appear she would have let out a gasp as Zoro's face scrunched up in pain. She wanted to comfort him, was something wrong? Does he need Chopper?

"It doesn't bother me. It doesn't bother me. It doesn't bother me." Zoro chanted, over and over again. But it doesn't work because tears start to stream down Zoro's cheeks. Zoro sits back and wipes them away but with one wipe more appear, never ending. "I'm fine. I'm fine." Zoro tells himself, laying his back against the foremast in the middle of the room. "It shouldn't bother me." Zoro says, crying just a little harder, his hands holding his face, trying to hide himself from who knows who. Well obviously it is bother him. 

Robin leaves Zoro to cry alone. He wouldn't like it if others knew that what Sanji said actually did bother him. She did know it would. How could it not? Zoro is human. Everyone wants to love and be loved.

"Are they okay?" Nami asks, on her side facing Robin.

"Yes, they are." Robin lies, if she told Nami that what Sanji had said is making Zoro cry she would feel more guilty then try to fix it. She might even force them to talk it out or something. Or she could tell Nami the truth and instead Nami tell Sanji what really happened with what Zoro said. 

No, it's best they don't get more involved. That's Luffy's call.  

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