Broken Heart

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Kind is not these pirates.

The Straw hats didn't start shooting otherwise that might have caused a misunderstanding. So they waited. To talk to them.

But that might have been a mistake, their captain wanted to prove themselves so a fight it is.

Everything is fine at first. They were getting the grunts down easily. It was looking to be an easy win. Luffy charged the captain, wanting to get the fight over with so he can finish his breakfast. But the other captain opened her voice. "Simon says, those with a broken heart will listen to me." She says with a devilish grin. At first they are all shocked, that's a weird comand. Then her crew grinned, what's with that, no one on the crew is even romantically involved with anyone else. "Attack my enemy." she commands, they weren't expecting her whole crew to move in sync. Like zombies all move at once, which is horrifying. The most shocking is when Zoro and Luffy turned to attack them. Zoro attack Brook while Luffy attack Sanji, both dodging their friends attack.

"What!" Usopp shout not believing it.

"Zoro and Salomon broke up, of course he's heartbroken." Robin says out loud, the others nodding, Sanji frown. Zoro must have really liked Salomon, and if he's heartbroken that must mean he would like to go with Salomon. What's going on with him? Why does he care so much about Zoro? He shouldn't when they just have sex, it's still to early for them to long for each other. Or maybe he can use this against them.

Sanji dodges another attack from Luffy getting close to Nami and Robin who fought the grunts. "Why are you coming here! You are bringing Luffy towards us!" Nami shouts frowning at Sanji.

"Sorry, but I have a plan. It's almost been a week, I think I can use it against Zoro, if we get Zoro on our side he might help with Luffy." Robin frowns at Sanji's choice of works, making use of Zoro like a tool. Nami hums in thought.

"It also might distract her long enough for us to get to her." Nami adds.

"And who has that honor?" Robin wonders. Sanji can't, it's against his creed, the boys are busy and easy to spot, and once they get Zoro he's going to fight Luffy, but who knows how long that's going to take.

"Robin can you please pin Luffy down so I can get to Zoro." Sanji says helping them back up away from Luffy.

"Of course." Robin smiles happy to help. Nami frowns, the choice seems obvious now. Looks like she'll have to do it.

"Alright, let's go." Nami says smacking away a grunt. Robin smiles as she turns to Luffy, arms sprouting everywhere, first grabbing the captains legs then sprouting arms to pin him to the ground. Sanji jumps over to Zoro who is kicking the boys asses.

"Keep Luffy pinned down," Sanji instructs them. Sanji goes in front of Zoro to catch his attention. And it works, Zoro's eyes land on him. Sanji gulps at the way Zoro look at him, it's anything but pleasant, Zoro hasn't looked at him like that in a long time. A look that promised pain. Sanji threw his cigarette on the floor, he needs to focus. Before Zoro attacks Sanji tackles Zoro to the ground, bringing the green haired man's nose to his neck. Sanji struggle with Zoro trying to push him away. When he didn't calm down Sanji tried something else. He didn't think this far ahead. Sanji held Zoro's head with one hand and with his other he move Zoro's coat to show off his smooth and blemish free tan skin. It is the only thing he can think of so he open his mouth and lowered to Zoros skin, his nose picking up on the swordsman's scent. The blonde found he liked it, it's actually nice. As hard as he can he bit down on Zoro's neck, Zoro slowly stop to struggle, Sanji held on not caring Zoro screamed in his ear.

Zoro felt limp in his arms, so for safety measures he bit harder then let go, licking the blood around his lips, wiping with the back of his hand the blood that dripped down the corner of his lips to his chin. Sanji look down at Zoro gasping at his new expression. His eyes look cat like, and his face is red all while gazing up at the blonde in a sexual want. A tremble went down his spine. That was quite the look Zoro had on him. "Zoro?" Sanji call the man, who look dazed. He didn't answer, all he did is reach up grabbing Sanji's head, then pulling him down to connect their lips. Shocked the blonde did nothing but follow Zoro's lead. Zoro moaned as he slipped his tongue into the cooks mouth.

It was a shock and by the time Sanji's mind caught up Zoro pulled away, looking satisfied but wanting something else. Zoro lick his own lips seducingly with a smirk. Then Zoro blinked and it was all gone, his eyes, his expression, even his hands.

"What the fuck!" Zoro yells scooting back, away from Sanji. Sanji smiles, the marimo is back.

"No time to explain, we need to take care of Luffy first." Sanji stands up. He runs towards Luffy who is now being held back by Franky. Quickly Zoro grabs his sword then gets to his feet and runs after Sanji to Luffy.

"How?!" the captain, also ironically named Simon, screams shocked. She screams in pain when something smacks her in the head. She falls forward when something smacks hard against her back. She twists her body to look behind her only to find nothing there. She turns her head to both sides, wondering who or what hit her. She growls ready to use her devil fruit to stop in shock when Nami appears out of thin air.

"Zeus!" she shouts, Simon is confused and looks over. Without warning she is struck by lightning. Almost burned to a crisp, she falls over.

Immediately after someone yells for her, some of her crow run to her. With the captain out Luffy falls, and the straw hat's finish up these no name pirates easily enough and quickly.

The straw hats continue to sail, leaving the pirates behind. They sat around Luffy waiting for him to wake up. Usopp and Robin explaining to Zoro what happen.

"Then who broke Luffy's heart?" Zoro wonder, everyone looking at Zoro in shock by how good the question is.

Who broke Luffy's heart? Luffy was/is in love?

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