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I was back in the same club but in a different dress. The same balcony, different day, the same harry, but a different blunt that slowly burned.

It's been a week or two since I last saw Harry. This time, it was me persuading Jeni to go to the club after telling her what Harry and I had done, as well as what she and Zayn had done.

She was currently sitting behind Harry and me, smoking a blunt with Zayn... or, more accurately, making out with him. I'm not sure, but congrats on being a slutty bitch, Jeni.

"So, because you have your own office, are you like a manager or owner here?" I turn my head to watch his cheeks swell.

He smirks and lets out a low chuckle.

I rolled my eyes and shifted my weight so that my back was against the railing. My gaze wandered over Harry's clothes. He was dressed in a red button-up shirt, black dress pants, a belt, and dress shoes this time. Although he appears to be professional, he is also dreadful and demanding.

He acted as if he ruled this place. " why do you care?"

"Just answer my stupid question." I snap.

For a brief moment, his face becomes solemn, and he shakes his head. "Watch how you speak to me. This club is mine."

I snatched the blunt from his grasp, muttering to myself. "such a successful place for an asshole like you."

"Are you hurt, darling?" He taunts me, tilting my jaw to force me to look at him. "Are you so desperate for it that you're acting like a fucking brat?"

"You're the one who keeps bringing it up. I think you're the desperate one. Have you never had good sex?"

"I don't know about you, but my sex life is amazing. You came on my fingers with just a little tease; image if I was to taste that little pussy of yours." His words were so low that if you weren't paying attention, you wouldn't be able to hear them.

Harry's hands found their way to my waist; as we exchanged small whispers. "How about we put it to the test this time... what do you think? Your couch.. my bed.. your bed?" my finger twisted his curly hair as I gave him an innocent look.

Harry's smiles "you just can't get enough-"

Harry pulls away from me as the sliding door opens. As I glanced from behind, he turned around to see who was there.

He was leaning against the frame, cigarette between his lips, the music from inside was blasting louder now that the doors were open.

He looked at me with his blue eyes, letting the smoke slowly dissipate, nodding to Zayn. "Harry.. max here. Wants to meet with you," he mumbled before putting the cigarette back into his mouth and pushing his long black hair back.

The man adjusts the sleeves of his black button-up shirt as he waits for Harry to respond. He was silent for a few seconds, perhaps a little too long. I looked up at Harry, observing his brow furrowed; he glanced down at me, looking irritated.

"Where is he?" Harry asked as he walked away from me.

"Having a drink at the bar," the guy says. Harry was now out the door, never looking at me again. I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked between Jeni, Zayn, and the guy.

The guy laughs, licking his bottom lip. "He'll be right back, love; take a seat." He then shuts the door, leaving me alone with Zayn and Jeni.

"Wait, what the fuck?" I murmured under my breath as I sat on the empty couch, my legs propped up on the coffee table.

"Luna, right?" I looked up at the dark sky, the stars illuminating the darkness.

"mhm," I hummed, smiling, as I began to feel dizzy.

"How old are you?" I looked at Zayn, glancing at Jeni, who was sitting on his lap, wearing a tight glittery dress that rode up and showed off a lot of skin.

"Eighteen," I said with a smile, "you? How old are you?"

"24." Jeni hides her smile behind the cup that was now on her lips, winking at me. I couldn't help but laugh as I looked at Zayn, who had a cold, intimidating stare on his face. It felt like he was gnawing at my soul like he was devouring me.

"Would you like a drink?" He offers, gripping Jeni's waist as he leans forward, grabbing a cup and pouring Bacardi, not waiting for my response.

Smirking, I took the cup from his grasp. "What if I said no?"

"Sweetheart, you're in a club. That's not an answer; I'll take care of you. if that's what you're worried about."

"I'm not concerned about that," I murmured as I looked at Jeni. "I just don't like your alcohol choice."

"Oh? So, what do you like?" I tilted my head and smiled.

"Anything is better than that, including black label." I smile as I watch his smile appear. He licks his lips looking down at Jeni.

"I like your friend."

"I like her too," she murmured as I tilted the cup, allowing the alcohol to burn down my throat.


idk how i'm feeling ab this story rn lol

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