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All I want

When they say, "Live your life to the fullest," do it.

Life is short.

Sometimes too short.

The saddest part of death, which can occasionally be unexpected, is having to face reality.

Arranging the funeral, selecting the casket, and paying a final visit to their remains.

It's like a nightmare.

It should be wonderful to fly to Italy, but it was melancholy instead. It was exhausting.

There was nothing to laugh or chat about-just quiet sobs.

Each person felt it differently. Despite each person's unique bond with Harry and Luna, they all wished it weren't real.

It felt like a knife was slowly stabbing its way into their hearts. As they remembered their fondest moment with Luna and Harry.

It was finally their final goodbyes, moments before the caskets closed and lowered underground.

They looked so peaceful. Luna had perfectly smooth hair resting on her pillow, a pale complexion, and pink lips. She was dressed in a pink flower dress.

Harry wore a pink shirt with floral details as well. Harry's hand was resting on his chest, giving him a serene appearance.

Amara calls out from her stroller, "Mommy," and immediately kneels, not caring if the dirt gets on her pants.

"Yes, baby? Are you cold? "Gemma asks, wiping away her tear. Unexpectedly, it was a chilly day today, with clouds blocking the sun and a light breeze drying everyone's tears.

"No, I'm hungry." Gemma lifts her and kisses her cheeks. " Why are you crying, mommy?"

" Just going to miss, titi Harry and Luna."

Everyone observed Gemma and Amara as the little girls' gazes moved to the pink coffins. She giggles, "Wake them up silly,"

Amara sighs, "I can't, sweetie."

Jeni observed the two cuddling up against Zayn, who held her in a protective embrace while knowing that it was killing her. Jeni missed her best friend, missed her like a sister.

Jeni has been a disaster; she has been crying nonstop since her best friend's death. Jeni could hardly move, eat, or even sleep. Wishing this was all a bad dream.

While a part of Jeni was relieved that Harry and Luna were at peace, another part of Jeni was enraged at Luna for being so self-centered and not considering what her death would mean to others.

Jeni observed Amara as she approached the casket. Amara looked at her uncle while perching on her tiptoes. She spoke in a whisper, loud enough to be heard over the collective silence. "Titi, wake up; mommy misses you. " Amara frowned as she got no response, Louis walking up towards his daughter.

"Baby," Louis kneeled, "Remember when mommy and I were talking to you that Titi Luna and Harry were going to a special place in the sky with the stars?"

Amara nods. "When people go to the sky, they sleep for a long time, and they don't wake up."

Amara questioned, "Why? Is it heaven? My friends' mommy is in heaven with God."

"Well, if you want them in heaven, then yes, but they can also be shining stars."

"Why are they gone?"

"Because their bodies were really tired, and, uh, sometimes when someone special, they go to the stars."

"So Harry and Titi Luna are stars?"

Summer  '09 - H.SDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora