21. It's better if we know

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Harry didn't know what to do.

Louis had left an hour ago, and he had tried calling him, but his phone was off.

How could he do that? How could he just run off like that?

That baby Louis had in his belly could be Harry's, he couldn't just deny that and move on with his life.

He thought about maybe calling Louis' sister, but then he decided against it, he needed to figure this out just with Louis.

But Harry couldn't go to Louis' flat either, because Chris was there, and he couldn't just show up and demand a DNA test in front of him without explanation.

No, he couldn't do that to Louis.

So he decided to wait, thinking, or more like hoping, that Louis would come to his senses.

On Sunday morning Harry tried calling Louis again, and this time his phone wasn't off, but he didn't pick up the phone.

So he thought to try something else.

To Louis: Can we please meet for lunch?

Harry waited for about half an hour for a reply, but it didn't come, so he sent something else.

To Louis: I'll be waiting for you for lunch at 1:30, please be there, please.

The he sent the location of a restaurant they had been to together before and that Louis said he liked, thinking that might give Louis an impulse to go.

A few hours later, as 1:30 approached, Harry got ready, and left the flat, hoping, and praying that Louis had come to his senses.

When he arrived at the restaurant, Louis wasn't there, but he was still hoping he would show up, so he asked for a table for two, got some water for the table, and then just waited.

And waited.

And waited some more.

And just when he was about to give up and accept he was going to have to find another way to get to Louis, he saw him.

He was walking inside the restaurant, his hands on his baby bump, as if he was protections the baby. And all Harry could think was that that it could be his daughter, and that made his heart beat faster.

"Hi" Louis said in a small voice as he sat down.

"Hey" Harry said back "I'm glad you came".

"Yeah..." Louis replied "I'm sorry I ran away yesterday... I was really shocked about everything and I handled it poorly".

"What matters is that you're here now" Harry told him.

Louis nodded, and that was when the waiter came to take their order. They both chose something quickly of the menu, and then they were alone again.

"I really need to know if I'm the father, Lou" Harry told his friend "I barely slept last night thinking about it".

"I get that, Harry" Louis nodded.

"Will we get a DNA test then?" asked Harry.

"You know there are more chances that she is Chris', right? Our thing happened once... with him, it was multiple times so multiple chances" Louis said without answering the question.

"But ours was unprotected" Harry pointed out "The next morning there wasn't a condom anywhere, if I had seen one I would have known then what happened that night".

Louis looked down and then rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.

"Harry, I'm in a relationship with Chris, and I've spent all these months telling him he's going to be a dad, not knowing that might not be the case, but if I tell him now that you might be the father..." Louis sighed.

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