51. Please, please, please

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When Louis went to the bathroom that night, right before going to bed, he lifted up his T-shirt and turned sideways to look at his belly.

It was small, and no one could tell he was pregnant by just looking at him when he was dressed, but for 9 weeks it was definitely a big bump.

In retrospect, he should have known something was up with how fast he was growing and how bad the morning sickness were compared to Elena.

But how could he have guessed triplets! It was insane! He still couldn't grasp it fully, so he didn't blame Harry for his initial reaction, he too thought the doctor was joking when he told him.

Louis had gone to the doctor straight from work that evening, and he had waited to be home to call Harry, knowing he would cry at one point or another, and he didn't want to do that in public.

And now that he had already told his husband the news, and also his parents and sisters, he knew he had to disclose this information at work. Everyone that mattered at work already knew he was pregnant, and because of it he was pretty sure everyone else at the office knew, and that was a lot of people.

It had actually been quite intimidating to come in on the first day, showing up from another office at a senior position, having a whole team under him of people he didn't even know and had never worked with. And to top it all, he was pregnant, which wasn't something that would make him do a bad job, but it meant future struggles... which had now tripled.

So on Tuesday, when he arrived at work, after stopping by his office, he went to talk to Melanie, the HR person, knowing it was important that they knew about his circumstances. She was very shocked about the news, but Louis could tell she tried to play it cool, and just took note of what Louis said, and advised him to go talk to Charles about it, which Louis already intended to do.

"Good morning, Theresa" Louis said to Charles' secretary, going to her directly after Melanie "Do you think I could talk to Charles for a moment?".

"He's free right now, but let me ask him" Theresa replied, and picked up her phone "Mr. Klein, Louis Tomlinson is here to talk to you... okay".

She put the phone down, and told Louis to go ahead, so he walked up to the door, knocked on it and went inside when he heard a 'come in'.

"Louis!" Charles said with a smile "How are you today?".

"I'm okay" Louis said as he sat down when Charles pointed at the chair telling him to sit down.

"Yes? You're settled in alright? You're liking New York?" Charles wondered.

"Yeah, I'm just waiting for my husband and my daughter to arrive to feel more at home" Louis said truthfully.

"I'm sure they'll be here very soon" Charles said to him.

"Yeah..." Louis nodded "I actually wanted to talk to you about something else?".

"What is it?".

"As you know I'm pregnant..." Louis started.

"I know" Charles nodded.

"I went to the doctor yesterday, and I was told I'm expecting triplets" Louis declared.

"Triplets?" Charles asked wide eyed.

"Yeah... it's... overwhelming to say the least, but I wanted you to be aware, because although it won't affect the quality of my work, I'll have to go to the doctor more often, and I'll most likely give birth earlier than expected, most likely in January or February" Louis explained.

"Noted" Charles nodded "But are you okay?",

"I'm still shocked by the news, my doctor back in London gave no hints about this even being a possibility, so when I went in yesterday expecting to hear a single heartbeat and heard 3 instead was overwhelming" Louis confessed "And being here on my own doesn't make it easier".

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