8. We're not compatible

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It was 2 weeks after Harry got together with Zayn when he got a text from him, informing him that he had spoken to Louis' sister about the Chris situation. And apparently she hated Chris too, and Louis' parents weren't fond of him either.

So now it was evident that the only person that liked Chris was Louis, or more specifically, loved him.

The situation was still beyond Harry, but even though he still wanted to be there for Louis, and try to help him realize that he needed to get out of that relationship, he knew he needed to focus on his own new relationship.

Mateo and him had been together for a couple of months now, and he was even calling him his boyfriend, which made him really happy, and Mateo seemed very happy too, he always said as much.

"How's your boyfriend?" Gemma asked that Wednesday when Harry went to her flat for dinner.

"You have a new boyfriend uncle Harry?" Freya wondered.

"I do" Harry replied, but gave Gemma an annoyed look "And he's doing great".

"You should bring him next week" Gemma smiled "So we can all meet him and decide if we approve of him, right kids?".

"Yes" Freya agreed "Bring him!".

"I'll think about it" Harry replied.

"What's his name?" Axel wondered.

"Mateo" said Harry.

"That's a weird name" Axel declared.

"It's not, it's just a Spanish name, he's from Spain" Harry explained.

"Really?" Freya asked wide eyes.

"Yes" Harry chuckled "Is that cool?".

"Yes" Freya decided "You went to Spain last year, did you meet him there?".

"I did go to Spain last year, but I didn't meet Mateo there, I met him here in London, he lives here" Harry explained to his niece.

Even though Freya and Axel were twins they were very different, because while Freya was very chatty and liked to asked questions, Axel was more reserved, but that didn't mean he wasn't paying attention, because he always was; he always knew what was going on.

"So does he speak Spanish?" Freya questioned.

"He does" Harry confirmed "But he also speaks English, if he didn't we wouldn't be able communicate".

Then Freya asked a million more questions, and Harry answered all of them patiently, because he loved his niece and he didn't mind answering questions.

"So will we be seeing Mateo next week?" Gemma asked as he walked Harry to the door after dinner.

"Maybe" Harry replied "I'll have to warn him that Freya will have 300 questions for him, so we'll see what he says".

"She's just a curious person" Gemma defended her daughter.

"I know she is" Harry chuckled "I was just joking".

"Okay" Gemma accepted.

"You're all good, right? Financially?" Harry almost whispered, in case one of the kids was listening in.

"I'm good, don't worry" Gemma assured him.

Harry gave her a hug goodbye, and because he had already said goodbye to the kids, he just left and headed home.

That Friday he saw Mateo for the first time in 4 days, and to say it had felt like a century was an understatement, and that told Harry that he was getting used to this man being in his life constantly. It was a good feeling, but it was also terrifying because it meant his heart was getting exposed to a potential heartbreak.

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