18. I had a bad day

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On that Sunday afternoon, Harry had Louis sitting on his couch after he had yet another fight with Chris. And as it happened often, he came to Harry for help.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" Harry asked after he offered Louis a bowl of ice cream.

"Nothing happened, I just wanted a break from Chris" Louis answered, and started eating the ice cream.

"Something must have happened if you wanted a break from your boyfriend" Harry insisted.

"He was just being an asshole" Louis mumbled.

"About what?".


Harry sighed and sat next to Louis in silence, and just watched the show Louis had put on on the telly. But he kept looking sideways at his friend to make sure he was okay.

At some point Louis finished the ice cream, and left the bowl on the coffee table. Then he sat back and rested his hands on his baby bump as he continued watching.

"Do you wanna feel the baby kick?" Louis suddenly asked.

"Sure" Harry agreed.

Louis lifted his jumper and the T-shirt he had underneath to reveal his belly, and he took Harry's hand and he put it on the bump. Louis' skin was soft and it felt warm under his hand, and he had to stop his head from wondering what it would feel like to ran his hands all over his naked body.

"I can't feel anything" Harry said after a few seconds.

"Just wait a little" Louis told him as he kept Harry's hand in place.

And then Harry felt a little movement under his hand, which felt really cool.

"Did you feel that?" Louis wondered.

"Yeah" Harry smiled just as he felt it again "It's so strange but so cool".

"Right?" Louis smiled back.

Harry nodded, and kept his hand there as he felt Louis' daughter kick and kick.

"Harry?" Louis asked.

"Yeah?" Harry said as he looked up from the bump.

Louis just stared at him, his eyes were so blue and so pretty, it was like they were shining. His lips were parted and looked so ready to be kissed, and Harry wanted to kiss him so bad.

But he couldn't.

"What is it?" Harry asked insisted.

"Do you wanna go baby shopping with me?" Louis asked.

"Now?" Harry frowned.

"Yes" Louis agreed "I haven't gotten anything for the baby and I want to get started".

"You should do that with Chris".

"I told you he doesn't like shopping" Louis replied "Please come with me?".

"Okay" Harry agreed.

Louis grinned, and he got up saying he needed to pee before leaving, and Harry just got shoes on, and put on a jacket so they could go. Louis had his car with him, but asked Harry to drive to the shops, and he didn't mind driving, so he agreed.

"Alright, what are we getting?" Harry asked when they went inside a baby shop.

"A little bit of everything I think..." Louis said and walked up to a display of baby socks "These are so tiny".

"And so cute" Harry cooed.

Louis picked up a few of those, and then moved on to tiny pajamas, onesies, and shirts, little beanies and mittens, chose a couple of blankets, then tiny shoes, and even a few little dresses in different sizes.

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