33. You're the one for me

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As a few weeks went by, Chris' trial grew closer, and the closer it got, the more anxious they got about it.

Both Harry and Louis had been to meet the prosecutor, as they were both supposed to attend the trial, Louis as the victim, and Harry as a witness. He was supposed to give testimony of what he had heard when Louis called him, and how he found the flat and Louis when he arrived there to help.

Although Harry was only going to tell the truth in the trial, he was still nervous... mainly about Leni's paternity situation.

What if it came up?

Harry had gone to work that Monday as he always did, and when he arrived home, Louis was waiting for him with a kiss and dinner already served on the table.

"How did it go with the doctor?" Harry asked, remembering Louis had had a doctor's appointment.

"All good" Louis replied.


"Apparently I'm fully recovered" Louis announced "And I asked if that meant I can have sex".


"I can" Louis smirked.

"Really?" Harry asked, feeling surprised.

"Yep" Louis replied.

"That's... good" Harry concluded.

"You don't sound very excited" Louis pointed out.

"No, I am" Harry replied "I just don't want you to feel obligated to do it with me just because you're allowed to do it".

"Why would I feel obligated?" Louis frowned.

"I don't know" Harry shrugged.

"Well, I don't" Louis told him "I've actually been dying to do it, haven't you?".

"Of course" Harry said quickly, as it was true.

He hadn't had sex in ages, and he was in love with Louis and they slept in the same bed every night, so of course it was a recurring thought and a need at this point.

"Ok, good" Louis smiled.

"What about birth control?" Harry wondered.

"I got condoms on my way back from the doctor's" Louis declared.

"Interesting" Harry smiled, but then remembered something "What about Leni?".

"What about her?".

"She sleeps in our room, will she be there while we...?" Harry trailed off.

"We can put her in the nursery with the monitor while we do it" Louis suggested.

After a few failed attempts of Louis sleeping in the nursery with Elena to let Harry sleep overnight, they had return to the main bedroom. Leni's colic wasn't better, though, and some nights they barely slept because of her cries. But they knew it was all part of the parenthood experience, and although they often complained, they loved their daughter and nothing could change that.

"Okay, because I don't think I'd be able to perform with her in there" Harry considered.

Louis laughed wholeheartedly, and it made Harry laugh too, Louis' laugh was contagios.

They finished their dinner, and then Harry gave Leni a bath and got her ready for bed, for which Louis fed her and then rocked her in his arms to get her to sleep. But she was fussy and whiny, and every time Louis tried to put her down she screamed her little lungs out.

"Babe, try to sleep" Louis told him after a specially long yawn that came out of Harry's mouth.

"No, we're going to have sex as soon as she goes to sleep" Harry said and yawned again.

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