42. That's not the point

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After coming back from their honey moon, Harry and Louis settled back into their home life, which didn't change much, except now they were married.

Harry's 30th birthday came only a few days after they arrived, but Harry decided not to throw a party or anything, as they had just thrown the biggest party they would ever throw. But Louis still organized a little family gathering for him the weekend following his birthday, which was pretty nice, and Harry loved him for being so thoughtful.

"Harry..." Louis said that Sunday night after they turned off the lights.

"Hmm?" Harry hummed.

"I'm nervous" Louis whispered.

"About what?".

"Chris getting out of prison" Louis explained.

Chris had only been sentenced to 3 months in jail, and those 3 months would be up in just a few days. It was something that they were all aware of, but they had been trying to avoid it, but it seemed now it was inevitable.

"He won't hurt you again" Harry promised him.

"He could, he won't even have a restraining order to stop him anymore" Louis explained.

"Baby, he's an asshole, but he's not stupid, if he hurts you again he'll go right back in, and after spending 3 months in there, I doubt he'll want to go back" Harry reasoned.

"It still scares me" Louis mumbled.

"You have a right to be scared" Harry told him as he held him "But you know what? We basically spend 24/7 together, either at home or at work, so if he ever tries to come near you, I'll be there to protect you".


"Yes" Harry said and kissed his forehead "I'll always protect you".

"Okay..." Louis agreed and got closer to Harry "I trust you".

Harry smiled softly, but inside his head he prayed he was telling the truth, and that Chris wasn't stupid enough to even try to get close to Louis ever again.

The day that Chris came out of jail, Louis' lawyer called him to let him know that he had indeed been released, which of course gave Louis anxiety, but slowly as the days went by and nothing happened, he started to relax.

By the end of February, Elena was 8 months old, and Harry started wondering when he and Louis might make the decision to have another kid. He knew they both wanted more kids, but they hadn't come up with a timeline for it yet, but he thought it was better to let Louis bring up the topic when he felt ready, after all, it was him who had to carry the baby, so he wasn't going to do anything that might pressure him into making the decision.

It was Saturday, and they were at a children's store getting clothes for their daughter, because she was outgrowing every single piece of clothing she had very rapidly, so she needed a little bit of everything.

He was browsing the little pajamas, while Louis and Elena were looking at shoes, when he heard his name.

Harry looked up, and saw his ex boyfriend Mateo. He hadn't seen him since the day they broke up, which happened over a year ago, and they had unfollowed each other on social media, so it was fair to say he knew nothing about him.

"Mateo" Harry said in acknowledgment "Hey, it's been so long".

"I know" Mateo smiled "How are you?".

"I'm doing well, how are you?".

"I'm great, thanks for asking" Mateo smiled again.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked "Did you change your mind about babies?".

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