12. Please don't lie to me

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Louis had a rule, and it was never set an alarm on a Saturday (unless he had an appointment or something). So that Saturday morning he woke up when he heard Chris call his name.

When he opened his eyes he saw his boyfriend standing at the foot of the bed with a breakfast tray.

"Breakfast in bed?" Louis smiled as he sat up and stretched.

"You deserve it" Chris smiled back, and leaned down to kiss him.

"Thank you" Louis replied as he looked at the tray, it looked really good.

It had been a week since 'the incident', as Louis called it in his head, and ever since he made the decision to stay with Chris, he had been nothing but an amazing boyfriend.

When Louis came back home that Saturday morning from Harry's place, he found Chris with all of his things packed. At the time, he had been determined to stand by his decision to break up with him, but the first thing Chris did was say sorry and ask if they could have a conversation. And Louis agreed to it, he thought he owed it to their relationship, after all he had invested months of his life into that relationship.

It was a very long conversation they had. But Chris basically explained how he knew that what he had done was wrong, that he had been under a lot of pressure lately about the fact that he still didn't have s job, because of the child support he had to pay for Skye, and when Louis brought it up that night, causing a fight, he had just exploded. Still, he admitted that nothing justified what he did, and said he would regret that horrible moment for the rest of his life if it meant it had cost him the best relationship he had ever been in.

And for some reason that did something to Louis, because no one had ever said something like that to him before. So he pointed out to Chris that he might have an anger issue, and he should look into anger management. Chris agreed to it right away, and said he would do anything, anything at all if it meant he could have another chance with Louis.

So Louis agreed to a second chance, and so far he didn't regret it at all.

"What are we doing today?" Chris asked and took a sip of coffee.

"I don't know, what time should we pick up Skye?" Louis questioned.

"We don't have her today, it's June's mum's birthday, so they obviously want her to stay, and I said it was okay" Chris explained.

"It makes sense" Louis admitted.

"So it's just you and me" Chris grinned.

"I love that" Louis smiled.

"So what are we doing?" Chris asked again.

"What about nothing? I just want to stay home, watch movies and eat something unhealthy" Louis decided.

"I'm completely down for that" Chris agreed "I just want to spend time with you".

Louis smiled again feeling giddy. Despite everything that had happened, he was happy with Chris, he really was, and he knew Chris was a good person, and that was all that mattered.

It was around 3 that afternoon when Louis received a text from his sister. He was supposed to see her on Thursday, but he hadn't been able to make it because he had to work super late, so he knew she was going to ask to meet.

From Lottie: Lou I miss you

To Lottie: I miss you too little one

From Lottie: Can you come over today???

To Lottie: Why don't you come here for dinner?

From Lottie: Will Chris be there?

To Lottie: Yes

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