57. Next week, alright?

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On Louis' birthday, Harry surprised him bringing him a cake to bed, which he had baked the night before after Louis had gone to bed. Being a stay at home dad had him exploring new things all the time, and this time it had been baking a birthday cake.

"Thanks, babe" Louis said after he blew the candles with Elena's help.

"You're welcome" Harry said and kissed his lips "I love you".

"I love you" Louis smiled "But I do wish I could do more than staying at home on my birthday".

"I know, but we're going to have great food, we're going to watch movies, and seing as s-e-x is forbidden, we can make out for as long as you want" Harry offered.

"Deal" Louis agreed.

And that's exactly what they did, and what they did on Christmas Day as well, except they also watched Elena tear open all the wrapping paper from her presents, and get excited about everything they gave her, even the little things in her Christmas stocking.

They also had calls with their families, to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and tell them how much they missed them. Harry especially missed his niece and nephew, he had never missed a Christmas with them, and it felt wrong not having them around this year, but it was just how things were right now.

It was right after New Year's, when Louis was 29 weeks along, when they went to see the doctor again, and he informed them that things were looking good, as things looked the same as last time, which meant bed rest was doing what it was supposed to do.

"So do you think I'll make it to 34 weeks?" Louis questioned as the doctor finished the ultrasound.

"I hope so, but we need to take this one week at a time, one day at a time really" the doctor told him "So far, everything is looking like you can make it, but we need to keep being cautious".

"I know" Louis said as he pulled down his clothes over his bump.

Louis' bump was massive right now, bigger than it had been when he gave birth to Elena, and it was making Louis have trouble sleeping, and he kept complaining about back pain and heartburn.

When they arrived home, Louis immediately laid down on the couch and sighed tiredly as he kicked his shoes off.

"It should be ilegal to be pregnant with triplets" Louis declared.

"What?" Harry chuckled.

Elena had fallen asleep in the taxi back home, and Harry had decided to just put her in her crib, knowing she would wake up hungry soon.

"Carrying one baby is already so hard, 3 is a nightmare, so who decided carrying 3 babies at once should be allowed?" Louis complained as he rubbed his belly.

"God, I guess? Mather nature?" Harry tried to answer.

"They never go to sleep at the same time, there's always at least one moving and kicking, it's crazy" Louis said ignoring what Harry said, and grabbed his hand "That's Aurora, she's the worst of them because she punches my bladder".

"Are you sure it's her? I thought Auggie was over here?" Harry considered.

"No, he's the one kicking my ribs up here" Louis said and moved Harry's hand "That's definitely him".

"And Emmy? Is he awake too?".

"Yeah" Louis said and moved Harry's hand again "Emmet's kicking Right there".

"This is a circus" Harry chuckled "Do you think they kick each other?".

"I'm sure they do" Louis sighed.

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