15. Happy birthday!

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On the morning of his birthday, Chris sang happy birthday to him with a little cake that he had made himself. It wasn't the best cake, but it was tasty, and Louis loved the fact that Chris had even done that for him.

Then they had a special birthday lunch at home, as they decided not to go out because it was a bit crazy with last minute Christmas shoppers. And it was better like this, just the two of them, well... 3 of them.

Chris had been a bit nervous when Louis first found out he was pregnant, but he had come to accept it and be happy about it very quickly. And now he was pampering Louis every chance he had.

After lunch they laid down on the bed together, as Louis was tired, and Chris wanted to keep him company, after all, the reason Louis was tired was the baby in his belly.

"If I hadn't seen the ultrasound this week, I wouldn't believe you're 13 weeks pregnant" Chris said as he carefully rubbed Louis' belly.

"I know" Louis pouted "I want to have a little bump already".

"Maybe he's waiting until we tell everyone to show himself" Chris considered.

"Don't call our baby a he, we don't know yet if it's a boy" Louis told him.

"I feel it's a boy" Chris insisted "And it would be nice, right? Because I already have a daughter, I would like to have a son now, and we could name him after me".

"You want to name our baby Christopher?" Louis asked surprised.

"I'm named Christopher after my dad, so I would like to continue the tradition with my own son" Chris shrugged.

"I'm not saying no, but let's not discuss it now, let's wait until we actually know if it's a boy or a girl" Louis told him.

"Deal" Chris agreed "But just so you know, it's a great name".

"We're not talking about it" Louis said and rolled to be closer to Chris, and he shut him up with a kiss, and then closed his eyes "Let's just nap".

"Hey" Chris spoke

"Mmm?" Louis hummed sleepily.

"Let's just stay home together all day" Chris proposed.

"You know we have to go to my parents house for my birthday dinner" Louis said and opened his eyes.

"But I don't want to share you today" Chris complained.

"It's just a few hours of sharing" Louis pointed out.

"They don't like me" Chris added.

"That's not true".

"They think I'm not good enough for you" Chris insisted.

"They don't think that, love, I promise" Louis told him "And just so you know, if they didn't like you, which is not the case, I wouldn't care, because I love you and the only opinion that matters is mine".

"I still don't want to go" Chris groaned.

"Come on, we planned to tell them about the baby today" Louis insisted.

"You planned that" Chris told him.

"Chris, this dinner has been scheduled for ages, my mum is cooking basically a feast as we speak because it's my birthday, and she got my favorite chocolate cake, so I'm going" Louis said determinately as he sat up on the bed, and looked at Chris who was still laying on his back "I want you to go with me because you're my boyfriend and I would like you to be there on my birthday, and also when I tell my family that we're going to be parents, but if you can't do that for me, fine, stay here alone".

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