46. You see it?

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Elena turned a year old on the last Tuesday of June. Harry and Louis had actually taken the whole week off to be able to go on vacation to Louis' uncle beach house for a few days, but they returned to London on Friday night, because they were throwing Elena a little birthday party on Saturday.

Well, it wasn't exactly a little birthday party, because it was at Louis' parents house, and Louis' mum wasn't one to organize little get togethers.

When they arrived to the house that morning, the whole backyard was filled with pastel color balloons and other decorations, and there was a big sign that said "Happy 1st Birthday Elena".

"Mum, I asked you to keep it simple" Louis said to his mum.

Harry knew that his husband had been organizing the party with his mum, and he had heard him tell her "don't over do it" or "please keep it simple" at least 10 times.

"It is simple, love" Jay told him.

"It's not" Louis denied.

To be honest Harry knew that deep down Louis didn't care, he was just saying something about it because of Harry, because Harry was usually the one who 'complained' about these things.

"It's great, Jay, thank you" Harry decided to say, to show Louis that he was okay with it "Elena loves it too, right little nugget?"."

Elena was wearing a beautiful pastel pink dress, and looked at him from Louis' arms, her eyes had slowly but surely turned green in the last month, and her hair had grown a lot, and had soft little curls. Harry knew that both those things she had gotten from him, so now it was easier for him to see himself in her.

"Dada" Elena said and reached for him.

She had been saying mama and dada for a few weeks now, and every time she said either it made Harry's heart very happy.

"Come with dada" Harry said as he took her "Do you like what nan did for your birthday? Is it nice?".

But Elena didn't care about it, and kicked her legs, which meant she wanted to be put down, so Harry bent down, and let her stand on the grass, but held to her hand.

"Your mummy said you're walking better this week, darling" Jay said as she bent down too "Can you show me?".

"Walk to nan, Leni" Harry encouraged her.

Jay opened her arms for her, and Elena giggled and took at least 10 steps towards her while still holding on to Harry's hand. She had yet to conquer walking on her own, but they knew it was only a matter of days.

"Good job!" Jay said when Elena reached her, and she gathered her in her arms, so Harry let go of her hand "I missed you so much this week, I'm so glad mummy and daddy are going back to work on Monday and I can have you for myself again".

"Mum" Louis laughed.

"It's true" Jay said as she looked at his son.

Harry then asked if he could help with anything, so they helped set up everything that was missing before their guests started to arrive, which included some of their friends and of course their families.

About two weeks ago, Gemma had told his kids about Leo, and a week later when they got used to the idea a little, she introduced him to them, and apparently it had gone well... not perfect, but well.

So Harry had told Gemma that Leo was invited to Elena's party if she wanted to bring him, and surprisingly, she did, and Harry was surprised (and also glad) to see that Freya and Axel looked comfortable around him, which was a relief.

"So what do you think about your mum's boyfriend?" Harry asked Freya when he found a moment alone with her.

"He's nice, he gave me a book that I wanted when he met us, and he gave Axel a new football" Freya explained.

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