2. Are you exclusive?

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For a few days at a time Harry was sometimes hopeful that things between Louis and Chris had cooled down. But then something would happen and Louis would mention him in passing and all of Harry's hopes would vanish.

And that's exactly what happened that day at work.

"My boyfriend was telling me about that movie last night, is it worth seeing it in the cinema?" Louis asked Grace, a girl that worked with them.

It was early in the morning and a few of them were in the office kitchen getting coffee, and Grace had been telling them about a movie she had seen last night.

"Absolutely" Grace replied "It's the kind of movie that you can appreciate more when you see it in a big screen, so go see it".

"I think I will" Louis confirmed, and picked up his mug "See you guys later".

Louis left the kitchen, and left right away, because he wanted to ask him something.

"So he upgraded to boyfriend status?" Harry wondered as they walked.

"Huh?" Louis frowned and took a sip from his coffee cup.

"Chris, you just said 'my boyfriend'" Harry explained.

"Right... uhm, well... yeah, he's my boyfriend" Louis confirmed.

"You didn't tell me he asked you to be his boyfriend" Harry commented.

"He didn't ask, but we're not children, it's implied" Louis shrugged.

"Is it?" Harry wondered "Are you exclusive?".

"I'm not seeing anyone else..." Louis considered and seemed deep in thought, but then he snapped out of it "I have to go, I have a meeting".

Harry nodded, and walked to his own desk as he had a lot of work to do, he always did.

He didn't see Louis for the rest of the morning, or even during lunch time, but that was normal, they were always very busy at work.

Still, around 4 PM, while Harry was finishing something, Louis came by, and leaned into his desk.

"I hate you" Louis declared.

"Why?" Harry asked raising his eyebrows.

"I can't get out of my head what you said about exclusivity" Louis explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry" Harry apologized.

"I texted Chris and we're going to meet for dinner, and I'm going to ask him" Louis informed him.

"That's good".

"But what if he says he's been seeing other people too?" Louis asked.

"You can ask him not to" Harry offered.

"But what if he says he doesn't want to?" Louis pouted.

"I don't know, Lou, depends what you want" Harry considered.

"I want a proper exclusive relationship" Louis replied.

"Then don't be with him if he doesn't want that" Harry shrugged.

Part of him was hoping that this Chris person didn't want an exclusive relationship with Louis, that way Louis would break things off, and he would finally get a chance with him. But at the same time he knew that scenario would break Louis' heart, and he didn't want to see him like that, he hated seeing him sad.

"But I like him so much" Louis pouted.

"Lou, you shouldn't be with someone who doesn't want the same things than you" Harry advised.

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