47. We'll be okay

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Harry woke up to Louis' alarm on Monday morning, and they both stirred as Louis turned it off.

"5 more minutes" Harry mumbled as he held on to Louis tighter.

"We need to get up, love" Louis said sleepily.

He suddenly felt Louis' lips on his cheek, and he smiled, and moved his hand to Louis' belly, and gave it a little rub.

They had only known about the pregnancy since Saturday, but it was all Harry thought about, and he loved touching Louis' belly, knowing their baby was in there. During Louis' first pregnancy, they hadn't been together, so he hadn't had the freedom to do that.

"Are you saying good morning?" Louis asked.

"Yeah" Harry said and yawned "How are you feeling today?".

"Pretty normal" Louis replied.

"That's good" Harry replied and kissed his cheek.

"Dada..." Elena's voice called from the monitor.

"Go get your daughter" Louis said and got up "I'll go shower".

Harry agreed, and went to Elena's room, finding the toddler standing on her crib, and she was holding on to the crib bars, her hair messy and she smiled when she saw Harry.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty" Harry said as he took her from the crib "You need a little change, huh?".

Harry changed her quickly, washed his hands and made breakfast for everyone, and as soon as it was ready, Louis came up to the table having showered and gotten dressed.

As soon as they finished, Louis went to get Elena ready to take her to his mum's, while Harry showered, and as soon as they were ready, they were out the door.

"Remember to make a doctor's appointment today" Harry said as he drove the car to work after dropping of their daughter.

"I know, babe" Louis replied.

"Did your mum suspect anything when you took Elena inside?" Harry wondered.

"Of course not, I'm not showing or anything, how would she know?" Louis asked.

"Instinct? I don't know" Harry shrugged.

"She has no way of knowing, no one even knows we were trying, so no one will know until we tell them, which we won't do yet" Louis reminded him.

"I know, I know" Harry was quick to say.

They reached the office, and Harry gave Louis a kiss on the cheek before going to his desk while Louis went to his office.

He didn't talk to Louis all morning, though, even though he kept wanting to go to him and ask how he was feeling, but he told himself that he needed to chill, if not he was going to make it very obvious to everyone at the office that something was going on.

It was around noon when Harry's landline rang, and he saw Louis' name on the screen, so he picked up.

"Lou?" Harry asked.

"Could you come to my office please?" Louis asked.

His voice sounded weird, which made Harry worry, so he said he'd be right there, and walked to his office, and knocked on the door.

"Come in" Louis said.

Harry went inside, and saw Louis sitting on the desk, and his face showed something was up, because the only way he could describe his face was as devastated.

"Are you feeling alright?" Harry frowned as he closed the door behind him.

"No" Louis answered.

"Is it the baby? Do you feel nauseous?" Harry was quick to ask.

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