56. I understand

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"I'm putting you on bed rest" the doctor declared after he finished examining Louis.

"What?" Louis asked wide eyed.

"The neck on your uterus is shorting, and that's a risk for early labor, so you're going on bed rest starting today" the doctor insisted.

"For how long?".

"Most likely until you give birth" Dr. Miller said.

"But I'm only 26 weeks" Louis pointed out.

"Exactly, you're only 26 weeks, you can't afford risking going into labor" Dr. Miller explained.

"So I need to stay in bed for two months?" Louis asked still shocked.

"You need to stay home, and you need to stay as still as possible, whether that's in bed or the couch that's your choice, just don't walk except inside the house but keep it at a minimum" the doctor told him very seriously "That means no chores, no picking up your daughter, and it should be obvious, but I'm saying it anyway, no sex".

Louis looked at his husband, and he just held his hand and gave him a little shrug.

"What about work? It's fine right? It's just me in front of a computer all day, that's okay to do?" Louis questioned.

"If you're able to do it from home, then it's fine, but try to keep stress at a minimum" Dr. Miller warned him.

"Yeah" Louis nodded, and sighed.

"So if he does this the babies will get to 34 weeks?" Harry asked.

Pregnancies usually lasted 40 weeks, but because he was expecting triplets that was not in the cards for him, and Louis' doctor was aiming to get him to 34 weeks.

"If it all goes well, yes" the doctor nodded "What is happening is not unusual in these kind of pregnancies, and if you take all the precautions, you should be ok, but you need to take this seriously".

"I will" Louis nodded "I won't move at all, I promise".

So when they got home, Harry made Louis sit down on the couch, and gave him a blanket, and left him to call his boss, while he took Elena to the kitchen with him to cook dinner.

"Hello?" Charles picked up.

"Hi, Charles, I'm sorry to call you after office hours" Louis said to his boss.

"It's alright, I'm still at the office" Charles told him "What's going on?".

"I went to a doctors appointment today, and long story short, the doctor put me on bed rest" Louis said it fast.

"Bed rest?".

"I can still work" Louis was quick to say "But I can't come into the office anymore, I need to work from home, it's too risky for me to be moving around".

"When does the bed rest begin?" Charles wondered.

"Today" Louis told him "I'm really sorry, but I promise you won't even notice that I'm not there physically".

"We have an important meeting on Friday" Charles pointed out.

"I know, and I'll be there, but through a screen" Louis explained.

Charles sighed, Louis heard the sound through the phone, and he felt terrible about this situation.

"Alright, I'll have my assistant send your things to your apartment first thing in the morning, and I'll ask her to schedule a meeting with your team so we can explain what's going on, and how the dynamics will work from now on" Charles decided.

Untimely ~ larry mpreg auTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon