11. I hate this

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After that very harsh conversation Harry had with Louis on the street, he didn't feel like going to have lunch with him, so he just walked away and left Louis alone.

He was livid, he couldn't even rememberer a time in his life when he had been angrier.

How could someone so smart like Louis be so stupid at the same time?


He went up to the office after buying a sandwich, and he sat on his desk thinking about what to do next.

And then he remembered Zayn.

To Zayn: Hey mate, I need to talk to you about Louis, can we meet?

And thankfully, Zayn replied right away.

From Zayn: I'm free today, does that work?

To Zayn: Yes, it's perfect

They arranged what time and where, which made him feel better, but he was still pissed about the entire situation, it was too infuriating.

He saw Louis come back to the office some time later, but he didn't even look his way, and Harry knew he was probably angry at him. And yes, he was most likely to be right, because Harry was too hard on him, but it had reached a point where it was necessary.

His path didn't cross Louis' for the rest of the day, so he just left the office at the regular time, and went to meet up with Zayn.

"Have you talked to Louis in the past couple of days?" Harry asked Zayn after they each got a pint and found a table at the pub.

Yes, because this conversation required drinks, not coffee.

"No" Zayn shook his head and frowned "Did something happen?".

"On Friday, Chris threw Louis' phone against a wall so hard that he broke the phone and left a dent on the wall"

"What?" Zayn asked wide eyed.

"Louis showed up at my place after, saying how he had asked Chris to leave, that he was an asshole, and that he was done with him for good" Harry explained.

"That's good, I mean not that Chris was violent,  that was horrible, but that Louis opened his eyes and realized who Chris really was" said Zayn.

"Wait, it doesn't end there" Harry added.

"Please don't tell me he took him back" Zayn groaned.

"He did" Harry confirmed "He left my place Saturday morning still convinced that he didn't want to be with him, but today he made it clear that he's still with him".

"You have to be kidding me?" Zayn asked shocked "What did he say about it".

Harry gave Zayn a round out of his conversation with Louis, and of what they both said to each other.

"I think I burnt the trust he had on me with what I said to him, but I couldn't just not say anything, you know?" Harry explained "The situation is too much".

"I get it" Zayn nodded "I would have probably said worse things".

"Yeah..." Harry sighed "I just don't know what to do anymore".

"I can try to talk to him" Zayn considered.

"Will you tell him I told you about this?" Harry wondered.

"Only if it's okay with you" Zayn replied.

Harry thought about it for a second, but he quickly found an answer.

"You know what? It's fine if he knows, it's worth a try, I probably lost his trust already with what I said to him today anyway" Harry considered.

"I hope he listens to me, but I think at this point it would be a miracle" Zayn said, and he was right "You know who could get to him, though?".

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