20. Do you remember it?

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Today was Louis' last day at the office before going on maternity leave. And although Harry was happy for him because it meant he could rest until the baby came, he felt sad because it meant that he wasn't going to see Louis every day now.

"Are you going to miss me?" Louis asked as he came up to Harry's desk.

"You know I will" Harry smiled.

"I bet you're going to replace me with whoever they bring in to take over my job" Louis said.

"First of all no one is taking your job, they'll just hold it for you until you come back" Harry said knowingly "And second of all, no one can ever replace you".

"You mean that?" Louis asked cutely.

"Yes" Harry confirmed.

"Thank you" Louis said happily.

"It's the truth".

"I'm gonna go finish some stuff now" Louis said and walked away.

Harry smiled, feeling endeared, which increased when he noticed Louis making a detour to the kitchen before going back to his office.

They were actually having a little farewell for Louis in an hour in one of the conference rooms, which Harry had organized. It wasn't much, just cupcakes, a present and a card from the staff, and the bosses had added another present of behalf of the company.

So half an hour later, he got up and quickly started to set up everything, and Grace decided to help him decorate with some pink balloons, in honor of the baby. The cupcakes also had baby pink icing, and the presents were wrapped in pink paper as well.

Once it was ready, Harry told people to go over there, and then he went to get Louis.

"Lou, Richard wants to see you in conference room 1" Harry said as he peeked inside Louis' office.

"In the conference room?" Louis frowned "Why? And why did he send you? Why didn't he call my office phone?".

"I don't know" Harry shrugged "I don't question Richard".

"The baby is kicking my ribs, the last thing I need is a last minute meeting" Louis mumbled as he got up.

Louis left his office, and Harry followed him to the conference room, where everyone was waiting for Louis.

"What is this?" Louis smiled when he got to the room.

"A farewell party" Lauren said happily.

"Aww you're so sweet" Louis cooed.

"We're going to miss you, Lou" Grace told him.

"I'm going to miss you guys too" Louis said back.

They ate the cupcakes, and Louis read the card which was signed by everyone, and then he opened the presents, which he said he loved, and then everyone had to go back to work.

When the work day finally ended, Harry accompanied Louis to his car, and helped him take all of his stuff he didn't want to leave at the office, knowing he wouldn't be back in a long time.

"What am I going to do at home all day next week?" Louis asked as Harry put all the stuff in the trunk of the car.

"Rest and prepare for the baby" Harry told him "And also choose a name for her".

"It's so hard to choose a name" Louis sighed "At least I have 6 more weeks to go".

"She could come early" Harry considered.

"She won't" Louis said determinately "She will come exactly on June 30th, which is her due date".

"Okay, Lou" Harry laughed.

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