35. Nothing will change

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"I'm not her father, am I?" Harry guessed, as he felt his heart rip open.

"No, uhm..." Louis started to say.

"I'm not her dad" Harry said as he tried to grasp the information while trying not to fall apart.

"No, it doesn't say that" Louis said.

"So I am?" Harry asked, as a little ray of hope filled his heart.

"I don't know" Louis replied.

"You don't know? What does it say?" Harry frowned.

"That the test was inconclusive" Louis answered.

"What?" Harry frowned.

"That's all it says" Louis said and offered Harry his phone "There's no explanation as to why".

"That's strange" Harry frowned as he confirmed what Louis was saying while he read the document.

"Maybe there was a problem with the sample... after all yours was not like the proper thing they like to use to test DNA" Louis considered.

"Maybe..." Harry considered.

"I'll call the lab tomorrow morning, ask what happened and if we can redo the test" Louis decided.

"We're not redoing it" Harry shook his head.

"Harry, please" Louis begged "Please, stop fighting me on this".

"I'm not...".

"Stop!" Louis exclaimed "I honestly don't care if you're Elena's biological dad or not, it's enough for me to know you love her either way, but this is beyond that, Harry, this is about the fact that the other potential father is a psychopath that almost killed me and almost hurt her too, and it's about the fact that the prosecutor who is trying to put him in jail is asking us to have this information available".

"But..." Harry started.

"No! There's no room for buts" Louis cut him off again "I love you, Harry, I love you with all my heart, and I don't want to see you heartbroken if it turns out that Elena is not biologically yours, but as her parents we need to put her first, we need to protect her, and right now the way to protect her is to do this test, so we're redoing it and that's final!".

Harry just stared at Louis, but didn't say anything, because he knew Louis was right, but still...

"Baby, please" Louis begged again, and he put his hand on Harry's cheek "Let's do this together, as a family, we can do this together, and whatever the outcome, we'll deal with it together".

Harry leaned into Louis' touch as he looked into his blue eyes, Louis had always had very honest eyes, and today wasn't an exception.

"Will things be the same if I'm not her biological dad?" Harry wondered.

"Yes, nothing will change" Louis promised "You will keep being her dad, and we will fight whoever we have to fight to keep it that way".

"Would we tell her? When she's older?" Harry wondered.

"Probably" Louis nodded "But we would make sure to tell her it doesn't change the love you have for her".

Harry nodded, and then pulled Louis to his chest by the waist, and wrapped his arms around his body, trying to find some comfort in him.

"Will you do this, then?" Louis whispered.

"Yes" Harry confirmed while he still held Louis.

"Thank you" Louis replied, and he sounded relieved, and he tightly held Harry back "I love you".

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