43. It feels bittersweet

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When Harry sat back on his desk that afternoon after the meeting with the lawyers, he was furious with his husband.

The last time he had been so angry was when Louis stole his toothbrush to do a paternity test on him and Elena.

But at least that time he had apologized, and he had a good reason to do what he did.

But this time he hadn't even done that, and he hadn't had even been able to understand why Harry was upset, when it was such a big deal.

"Are you ready to go?" Louis asked coming up to his desk a few hours later.

"Yeah" Harry said flatly, and got up.

Harry grabbed his things, and walked to the elevator with his husband in complete silence, and rode it down the same way, but at least it helped that there were other people on it.

"I haven't heard anything from the lawyer yet" Louis said once they got in the car, he was driving.

"It's only been a few hours" Harry pointed out as he played music to fill in the silence.

"I just want to get it over with" Louis explained.

"Hmm" Harry hummed.

"What's wrong with you?" Louis questioned.

"Nothing" Harry denied.

"Then why are you talking like that?".

"Like what?".

"Like you can't stand talking to me" Louis explained.

"Because right now you're not my favorite person" Harry said honestly.

"Are you still hang up about the money?" Louis asked.

"I am hang up on the fact that you don't respect our marriage" Harry declared.

"Come on, Harry" Louis rolled his eyes "Get over it".

"Would you get it over just like that if I made a decision like the one you made on your own?" Harry questioned.

"Yes" Louis confirmed.

"Sure you would" Harry scoffed.

"Why are you making this whole thing about you? I'm getting sued by my abusive ex, and as my husband you should be supporting my decisions" Louis told him.

"Of course I support your decisions, but when they're family decisions I need to have a say, Louis" Harry insisted.

"It was my decision to make" Louis insisted.

"Then we have to agree to disagree" Harry replied.

"Harry, I just needed to get it over with, how can you not get it?" Louis questioned.

"I get it, and if we had talked about it, I would have probably ended up agreeing on you offering the money to settle, but I didn't even get the chance to give my opinion" Harry stated.

"But if you would've agreed, can we just let it go?" Louis begged.

"No, because this sets precedent for future decisions" Harry said determinately.

"Harry..." Louis sighed.

"Don't act as if it isn't a big deal" Harry said seriously "We just got married and we can't agree what kind of decisions we need to be making together".

Louis didn't say anything, and Harry didn't push it anymore, and stayed silent until they arrived to Louis' parents, where Louis asked Harry to go in to get Elena.

Once he had the baby, he sat her in the car seat, and decided to ride in the back with her, seeing as he rather spend time with Elena and not Louis at the time.

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