19. Don't be so melodramatic

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At almost 30 weeks pregnant, life was getting a little more difficult for Louis. He was feeling a lot more tired, and his back usually hurt at the end of the day from sitting down at the office all day.

Truth be told, he couldn't wait to go on maternity leave, but he still had to endure a few more weeks of work.

When he arrived home that Thursday, he was exhausted. He had texted Chris earlier to ask him to please have dinner ready because he was hungry and tired.

But he got home to Chris playing PlayStation in the living room, and no dinner.

"We'll order pizza" Chris said when Louis pointed it out.

"I can't be eating junk food every day, it's not healthy for the baby" Louis reminded him.

"Then make yourself a salad, I'm not your butler" Chris said without looking away from the telly.

Louis wanted to throw something, but he refrained, and went to the kitchen. But when he didn't find any clean dishes, he opened the dishwasher, and found everything in there.

"Chris, I asked you to empty the dishwasher last night and again this morning, and the clean plates are still in there" Louis said to his boyfriend feeling frustrated.

"I'll do it later" Chris said dismissively.

"For fücks sake" Louis muttered.

So he returned to the kitchen, and decided to do it himself, despite the fact that his back wasn't happy about having to bend down so much.

When he finished with that, he made himself chicken and a salad, and sat down at the kitchen island to eat that with a glass of water.

Then Chris came up to the kitchen, and looked around.

"Where's my dinner?" Chris asked.

Louis shrugged and continued eating.

"So you went through all the trouble of cooking and didn't make enough for me?" Chris questioned.

"You said you wanted pizza" Louis just said.

"You're so fucking inconsiderate"  Chris shook his head, and grabbed Louis' phone "I'll order the pizza myself".

Louis didn't say anything, he just continued eating while he watched as Chris unlocked his phone and used his Uber eats app to order a pizza. Then he left the phone back on the kitchen island and went back to his stupid PlayStation.

"By the way your mum's throwing you a surprise baby shower in 2 weeks" Chris said as he continued playing.

"What?" Louis asked being caught off guard. 

But Chris just focused on his game.

Louis got up and went up to his boyfriend, his arms crossed.

"What did you just say?" Louis demanded "Chris!".

"You heard what I said" Chris told him.

Louis had had it, and he grabbed the telly remote and turned it off.

"What the fück Louis?" Chris exclaimed.

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