41. You're my home

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January 20th had arrived, and Harry was nervous.

Their day had started pretty early courtesy of Elena, and they had driven to the wedding venue in the morning, even though the wedding was at 4 PM.

But they had a pretty nice room in there, where they were going to spend their wedding night, because even though the manor was quite old, on the inside it was remodeled, and it looked beautiful.

And Harry's and Louis' immediate family were going to be staying there as well, which was nice, and also good, as Leni was going to be spending the night with Harry's parents, and the next day, when they went on their honeymoon, she was going to go with Louis' parents.

Harry had still to get dressed, but he was walking around with Elena who was a little whiny because she was teething and he was trying to distract her while she chewed on a toy, so he went over to the room where his sister and her kids were staying and he knocked on the door.

Freya opened the door right away, and she smiled when she saw them, and Harry smiled at her.

Harry's niece was looking more and more like her mum every day, and she looked so grown up being all dressed up for the wedding. It was bittersweet though, because he still thought of her as a little girl, but the truth was that she was going to be 13 in a few months.

"You look beautiful, Freya" Harry smiled as he hugged her.

"Thank you" Freya smiled "Can I hold Leni?".

"You can" Harry said and gave her the girl and a baby cloth "But careful with your dress because she has a tooth coming and she's drooling a lot".

"You're not dressed yet?" Gemma asked him.

She was wearing a light blue dress, and she looked beautiful.

"No, I didn't want Leni to drool on my suit" Harry pointed out.

"Poor baby, do your gums hurt?" Gemma asked and stroked Elena's cheek "Come here, darling".

"No, mum" Freya protested when Gemma took her.

"Where's Axel?" Harry wondered, because his nephew wasn't there.

"Bathroom" Freya replied "Mum, give her back".

"She's not a doll, love" Gemma said to her daughter.

Then Axel came out of the bathroom, and he was wearing a black suit and a white shirt, but no tie and Harry offered him help with that.

"... and then you pass it though here and you're done" Harry explained as he knotted the tie for Axel.

"Thank you, uncle Harry" Axel smiled.

"Anytime, kid" Harry smiled back, and hugged him.

"Mum, can I go to Phoebe and Daisy's room? They have a stylist and Phoebe said she can do my makeup too" Freya said excitedly.

"Okay, just... tell her you're 12 so not to go overboard" Gemma warned her.

"I'll go with Freya" Axel decided.

Harry was pretty sure Axel had a crush on Louis' twin sisters, which was sweet, specially because they were way too old for him.

The kids left, so Gemma and Harry were left alone, except for the baby.

"How are you feeling?" Gemma asked as she bounced Elena.

"A little nervous to be honest" Harry said sincerely.

"Are you having cold feet?".

"No" Harry shook his head "I want to marry Louis, I'm just nervous about the ceremony, you know like the vows and all that stuff".

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