5. Be careful

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"Alright, I'm ready for the details of your date" Louis declared when they went to have lunch together on Monday.

"We had dinner, then we went to a bar, had drinks, danced, kissed..." Harry started to number.

"You kissed?" Louis smiled.

"Yeah" Harry shrugged.

"Is he a good kisser?" Louis wondered.

"Yes" Harry confirmed because he was.

"So did he go home with you after the bar?" asked Louis.

"No, I walked him to the bus stop, and he went home" Harry explained.


"I like him, so I don't want to rush things" Harry told his friend.

"Okay, sure" Louis accepted "Have you talked to him since?".

"We texted yesterday, and we're gonna have coffee tomorrow after work" Harry explained.

"The bad thing about coffee dates is that they rarely end up in sex" Louis considered.

"Louis!" Harry rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry but it's true" Louis shrugged.

"I don't want to have sex with him tomorrow, I just want to get to know him better" Harry explained.

"You're so sweet, Harry" Louis smiled.

"I'm not" Harry rolled his eyes "But enough about me, what about you? What did you do over the weekend?".

"I saw my family on Saturday, and yesterday I helped Chris move" Louis explained.

"I thought he lived with friends, where did he move?" Harry frowned.

"My place?" Louis replied, and it sounded a lot like a question.

"You moved in together?" Harry asked shocked.

"No, we didn't" Louis denied "He just moved in temporarily".

"Is there something wrong with his flat? Is it being fixed or...?" Harry guessed.

"No, he just... he can't pay his share of the rent anymore" Louis said.


"He hasn't been able to find a new job since he finished the last project he was working on, and he had some savings, but they're running out, and he also has to pay child support for his daughter, so..." Louis sighed "I couldn't not help".

"It's still a big step, you've only known him for what? 4 months?" Harry asked.

"5 months" Louis corrected "But like I said it's temporary, and we made a deal, he can live with me for free, but he's going to be in charge of cooking and cleaning the flat every day, and I think it's fair, I hate cleaning".

"I just hope you didn't feel obligated to allow him to stay with you" Harry decided to stay.

"I didn't, he didn't even ask, I offered when I realized that his situation was getting bad" Louis shrugged "I just didn't want to see him struggle like that... I love him".

"You love him?".

"Yeah" Louis confirmed "And when you love someone, you want to help them however you can".

"I guess..." Harry agreed, but it stung knowing that Louis was in love with this asshole who was most likely taking advantage of Louis' kindness.

"But once he finds a job, he'll move out, it's too soon for us to be living together permanently" Louis added.

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