Summer break

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~ Eleven POV ~

Finally it was time for summer break. Yesterday was the last day of school and I had one of the worst days I've had on school. We needed to do our presentation about our hero and I got made fun off. It made me really sad and made me miss my dad even more. They don't understand that he really was my hero. He saved me from papa and took me in. He is my hero, but they will never understand.

Will asked me if I was okay, since he was in the same class as me. I lied to him and said yes. Although I felt really sad. Anyways, today was the day i'd see Mike again. I was very excited, but also a little bit sad that I can't see my other friends. That I can't see Max. I talked about it with Will, how much I miss her, but he told me I'd see her soon again. I just wish we moved back to Hawkins. Back to the cabin, to my friends, to Max.

"Look there he is!" Will practically yelled. As he saw Mike coming towards them. He had flowers in his hands as he smiles as he sees us. I squeal as I ran up to him and embrace him. "Hi!!! I'm so happy to see you again! These are for you" Mike says as he gave the flowers to Me. "Hehe hi! i missed you!" I giggled as I took the flowers. "i hand picked them from Hawkins, because I know you like them so much." He smiles. I smile back. "Thank you, they are very pretty."

Will came walking towards Mike. "Hey!" He smiles as he wanted to hug him. "Hey." Mike says as he gave a awkward half hug. I was confused on why it was so awkward between them, but maybe it was just me.

"Common we have a lot to do!" I say excitingly as I grab Mikes hand and interlock my arm with Will. It was time to go to the skate rink and also it was time to figure out if I feel butterflies with Mike.

A little while later we arrive and I've never skated before. Max only let me try a few times on her skateboard, but this was different. There she was again. Max. Stuck in my thoughts. She would definitely know how to skate. She would teach me in no time.

"You ready?" Mike asked me as I just finished putting my rollerblades on. " Yeah." I nod. I help myself up as I almost fall over right away as the wheels roll underneath my feet. Mike caught me and laughs. "Easy. Just put one foot infront of the other. Like walking but then sideways. If that makes sense." He explains. I softly nod as I try what he told me. I slowly moved forward and looked at them with a proud face. "I can skate!" I proudly say as I shuffle forward. They laugh as they help me to the rink. "Look Mikey! They even have a shiny ball that they had at the snowball!" I point out. He chuckles. "That's called a discobal. " he smiles. "Discobal, I like that." I smile as I slowly move forward as I hold Mikes hand. I saw Will staring at us, but I didn't think much of it.

We skated around for quite a while. We decided we would take a small break and drink something. I sipped on my milkshake as we were talking about how things were back in hawkins and here. "Oh I am having so much fun here, I made a lot of friends." I smile at mike. "What friends?" Will looked at me confused. "You know- Angela." I reply as I look at will with a 'shut up' look. He rolls his eyes and shook his head as he looks away. "That's great El. Everyone miss you guys at Hawkins. It's not the same without you guys." Mike responds. "And Max?" I hear myself say. "What about her?" Mike asks. "How is she?" I ask as I tilt my head.

"She's a lot at home. More quiet. Listening to her music a lot. She misses you so much." He replies as he looks at me. My heart began to beat faster. I couldn't help but smile by the thought she missed me. But that smile soon faded as I still miss her too and couldn't see her.

"You'll see each-other soon enough." Will comforted me as he gave a friendly smile. I nodded softly. Mike looked at me and back at Will. "Yeah what Will said." Mike smiles.  Will his cheeks turned a slight red as he looked away. 

"Oh if that isn't our Jane! Enjoying your milkshake? " a voice suddenly appeared behind me. I recognise this voice all too well. Angela. She appears in front of me as she skated over.  She was surrounded by her friends and had her eyes focused on me. "What a coincidence, and who is this handsome thing? " She smirks as she looks at Mike. I gulp as I look at her. "This is Mike. He's my boyfriend." I reply. 

 "Hey El, who's this?" Mike asks. "Angela, pleasure." She Smirks as shakes his hand. "Oh so this is your friend you were talking about?" Mike smiles as he looks at me.  "Friend? haha! Yes, I'm her 'friend'. "  She laughs softly. I looked at Will and Mike as she suddenly pulls me away from my seat. "Come on 'friend' let's go skating. " She smirks. "But- I am here with-" I mumble as I point at Mike. "He won't mind, do you?" Angela suggests. "No, you can go ahead El, I'll meet you back here." Mike smiles. I looked at Will as he looked back at me with worried eyes, but I already got pulled along with her. 

"Why so nervous 'Friend'? We are just having fun." She chuckles. She pushes me forward as her friends start to circle me on their rollerblades. "This song goes out to the local snitch, Jane." I hear through the microphone. Soon all I could see was her and her friends circling me. Holding out their hand like I tried the day before. They were circling and screaming. I started to feel tears roll down my cheeks. "Stop." I whisper crying as I cover my ears to block out the screaming and mean words. I couldn't find or see Mike anywhere. All the people in the skate rink circled around me and blocked me and kept laughing. Suddenly the music stops and I hear a voice scream. "WIPEOUT!" And within a few seconds I saw a boy in front of me, throwing a milkshake on me, because of the milkshake I lost balance and slipped. I fell backwards as I was covered in chocolate milkshake. Tears poured out my eyes as I look around me. "No drinks on the rink, you freak." She laughs as she joins her friends. Tears roll down my face as I block all sounds around me and try to get out of the rink. I only hear people laughing as I struggle to get out of the rink. "Where do you think you are going?" I hear Angela say behind me as they block my way again.  

"Please stop, I didn't do anything. " I cry out. She chuckles as she comes closer. Suddenly I hear a very familiar voice coming behind Angela. One that I haven't hear in a while. 

"Hey! Shitface!" I hear the voice shout as I see Angela turn around. I suddenly hear a tud as Angela falls on the ground next to me, blood pouring from a wound above her nose. I gasp softly as I quickly focus my eyes on the space were the voice came from. "El! Are you okay?" I hear Mike his voice say behind the figure who stood in front of  me. I ignored Mike his question and the yelling and crying from Angela on the ground next to me as the figure in front of me reached out to me and pulled me with them. "Surprise I guess." It was Max. "Now let's get out of here. " She softly smiles as she holds my hand and pulls me along to get away. 

I couldn't help but smile through my tears by seeing Max in front of me. Holding my hand. 

AN// Surprise haha, I hope you like the little twist at the end. I will write this part in Max her perspective to in the next chapter! Hope you like it so far :)

So this is love? ~ ElmaxOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz