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~ Max POV ~

It's been, what? Half a year since El and Will moved to California? Okay, probably less, but it feels like it. I've not seen them for too long now, that's for sure.

Since they left, a dark cloud has washed over me. I suddenly had no best friend around me to make me feel seen. To make me feel happy and safe. Yes I had Lucas, but, it doesn't feel the same. Whenever I was around El, I felt like I could conquer the world. Something about her made me want to protect her and care for her, no matter what. Although she is the strongest person I know, she makes me feel worth something. Like I'm as strong as her. Although I don't have super powers, but she made me feel like I had. With the others I don't feel as strong. That strength El gave me slowly faded when she left. I got reminded that I didn't do anything to safe Billy. I just stood there. Watching. I should have done something. But, I felt too weak.

El made sure I was okay. She even lost her powers protecting me. While I just stood there. After that whole mindfucker I mean- mindflayer incident El and I took care of each other. She made me stronger, in my mind. I had the feeling I did the same for her. We were slowly getting happy again and we grew closer. We spend most days together and I loved it.

I have to admit that I kind of forgot about Lucas. Which was the first red flag- I felt bad that I didn't think about him- at all. I just thought about El and the second I left her, I'd look forward to the next time I'd see her. I felt all warm and cozy inside when I was with her I felt home. I don't know how- or why. But no one ever made me feel like that. Not my mom, not Lucas. Just El.

Just El. That's all I needed at the darkest time of my life- but then she moved away. I remember us crying. Not wanting to leave each-other. She couldn't really call or write to me- since I lived in a shitty tailor park. After Billy died my mom turned to Alcohol again and everything turned to shit.  So I had nothing. No mom. No brother. No El.

I started to feel sad more often then happy. I had a hard time coming out of bed and music was the only thing getting me through. Especially the music I listened to with El at our sleepovers-

Because of the pit of darkness I couldn't get out of I kind of neglected Lucas and the rest. Not on purpose, but- I couldn't help it.

I didn't feel anything anymore, so I often reacted out of sadness or anger. And I know it's wrong, but I couldn't help but feel like that.

So in one of my dark episodes I kind of broke up with Lucas. We are still friends, but that was pretty much it. He invited me to many of his basketball games- yeah he's into that now, weirdo    - but I never really showed up. It felt like everything was too much at that point.

Anyway, that's what my life has been like for the past couple of months. But summer break started soon.

Dustin suddenly stood on my doorstep with a message from Will. He talks to him through his dumb invention thingy. Okay, it's actually pretty cool, but don't tell him I said that.

He told me will had this idea to surprise El with me coming over for summer break. I felt excitment rush through my body, but as soon as He told me Mike was going too, it fades away. Ofcourse he is. He always has to claim El for his own. I've said it before and I'll say it again. She really should have dumped his ass. For real.

But besides me not liking Mike and him being there. I was scared that it wouldn't matter that I'd be there too. You know as he is her boyfriend and all. I'm sure she looked forward to seeing him and won't have any eye for me. Which I get I guess.

But Dustin insisted on me going. Wil told him that she missed me. So much. And that she can't stop thinking about seeing me again. Which gave me a fluttering feeling inside. Shit. I'm not supposed to feel this happy.

So this is love? ~ ElmaxDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora