Fun fair

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~ Max POV ~

Two days had past since the incident. When we had arrived at the diner Will and Mike ran up to us when they saw what had happened. They helped us as much as they could as we told we were attacked and scared them away with a bat we stole from them. They believed us. When Joyce picked us up she was shocked and took great care of us. She made ice packs and everything. It was sweet.

We stayed inside mostly these two days, but tonight there was a fun fair. We planned on going, but Joyce said she was going too to keep an eye out. We could do our own thing, but she just wanted to make sure nothing happens again. Which I understood, but what she didn't know is that El her powers were back. We practiced with small things in her room, to make sure that it was really back and it was. Which we were so excited about. The tension between me and El since the incident doubled. I got all nervous around her and sometimes even forgot how to speak. All the eye contact and sleeping together in one bed and the touches. It made me go crazy inside. The pressure inside my body was getting too much, it felt like I was going to explode. Since she had her powers back she found this confidence back that she had before and to be honest, I don't know why my body reacts so heavily to that. El was the sweetest most innocent girl I've ever met, yet the strongest and the most fierce and badass girl all in one. I don't know how she does it. But the urges my body has when I'm around her, were getting too hard to control. We have been low key flirting too? I mean I think? I'm just not sure about anything anymore. Except for the fact that I am totally and utterly in love with her.

We had an hour left before we were going to the fair so we decided to get ready in her room. "How is your Neck?" El asks me as she stood behind me as I sat on a chair in front of the mirror. So I could see her stand behind me looking down at me. I look at her in the mirror and back at my neck as I still had a huge bruise there. "It's been doing okay after that cooling cream Joyce put on it yesterday." I say as I look at myself in the mirror. "Good. I have the cream here. Should I put some on your bruises? Maybe that helps it cool down again?" El asks as she grabs the cooling cream. I got a little flustered as she suggests that she was going to do it. "Yes, that would be nice." I reply as I got my hair out of the way. She squeezed some of the cooling cream on her fingertips as she gently brushes her fingertips over my neck. Her fingertips tracing the bruises. It hurted, but I didn't notice it since I was only focusing on her touch.  I gulp as my body responds at her touch. She felt me gulp as her fingers were on my neck. She softly smirks as she slowly traces my neck line. There wasn't even a bruise there, so she was full on teasing me. I had no clue if she knew I liked her like that or that she was just doing it for fun. Best friends do this stuff too, right? I was just so confused, but I didn't complain. My heart beat fastened as she moved her fingertips slightly lower. My eyes close in pleasure as I let out a heavy breath. "There, all done." She suddenly says. I quickly open my eyes as she was looking at me in the mirror. "You liked that?" She smirks. "W-What?" I choke up. "Your bruises, does it feel better?" she asks. This girl-

"Yes, it feels way better already." I reply honestly. "Good. I might need to put some on my hip then. It's still sensitive." She says as she without hesitation lifts up her shirt till her mid waist. Jeez. Did someone put the AC up? "I can help you - If you want ofcourse." I ask her. She nods as she turns red. "Yeah. That would be nice." She nervously hands me the cream. So I did the same as she did only on her hip. Her skin felt so soft and so warm. The urge to just- No. No Max you can't think like that. She shivers as she held her shirt up for me as my hand brushes over her bruise. "Hmm, that feels nice thank you." She hums as I just finished applying the cooling cream. I blush softly.  "We should get ready for the fair. " She smiles as she holds up two different outfit options. "Which one should I wear?"


We were on our way to the fair and damn- El looked so good. She wore this new yellow and black jumpsuit and it looked so good on her my god. I wore this new striped shirt and had my hair in two braids and I had to say I looked pretty good as well. I caught El looking at me a few times which I took as a confirmation. "Okay kids, have fun! Always stay together with someone okay? No going off alone. I'll be walking around too. Here you guys have $10 each. Go have some fun." Joyce smiles a little worried. "We'll be okay mom and thank you." Will says as he gives her a quick hug. Mike thanks her too as they both run off to the attractions. "Thank you misses B, you really don't have to give me any money." I respond as I held out the money I got from her. "Max sweetie, you are my kid too okay? Go have fun!" She smiles. I smile as I hug her. "Thank you." "Thanks - mom." El replies as she looks at Joyce. She never called Joyce mom before, so Joyce was a bit shocked. "Aw honey, no problem." She smiles brightly as she kisses the top of her head. You could see she was getting emotional. "Now go have fun!" She softly sniffs as she waved us off.

"What should we do first?" I ask El as she looks around in awe. "I don't know. It's my first time." She explains as she looks at a stand with lots of colorful snacks. "Then we gotta do everything!" I giggles as I follow her gaze. "You want some cotton candy?" I ask as I lead her to the stand her eyes light up as she looks at the fluffy cloud like candy at the stand. "Are they eating clouds?" El asks as her eyes sparkle from excitement. "Haha no, but it looks like it doesn't it?" I giggle. "One big one please." I tell the man behind the stand as he gave me a nod. I gave him a dollar as he handed me the cotton candy. "Here you go." I smile as I hand over the cotton candy to El. "It's so fluffy and big! Reminds me of your hair in the morning. " she giggles as she looks at the fluffy pink cloud infront of her. "Oh, does it now?" I giggle as I gave her playful nudge. She chuckles as looks at the cotton candy a little overwhelmed. "Here, you eat it like this." I explain with a chuckle as I pluck a little of the big cloud and held it in front of her mouth. She looks at me and then at my hand as she gently takes it between her teeth and eats it. We both blush a little. "It's good!" She smiles. "Good." I smile as I take a bite myself.

We follow up the cotton candy with some games. "What do have to do?" El asks as she looks at the glass bottles in front of her. "Well, you need to throw these rings around them. If you get three around them, you get a big price." I explain as I point to the prices hanging above us. "Oh! I get it!" She smiles. She grabs the rings and threw them one by one. She only got two around them. "Aw, Thats too bad! You didn't win a big price but you can choose something small down here." The woman who stood by the stand explains. She looks at me as I smile. "Go choose something." I giggle. She nods as she kneels down and looks through the small prices. "This one please." She points as the woman got it for her. "Thank you." She smiles. "What did you get?" i ask curious. She fiddles in her hands as she hands me one of two ying yang bracelets. "For you. Because you make me complete ." El smiles as she puts it around my wrist. I look at it as I look back at El. "Thats so sweet El, I love it so much. Thank you. You're also my other half." I smile as I feel all flustered and my stomach all fluttery. She blushes as her smile beams. I think I saw her eyes quickly glimpse at my lips, but I think I must have imagined it.

"The fireworks is starting soon. Should we play one more game and go on the ferris wheel together to watch it?" I ask as I look at El. "Yes! I'd love that. " She smiles brightly as her eyes sparkle in the lights of the fair. "I uh, wanna play this game here, but you have to promise not to look. Maybe you can play another game in the meanwhile." I explain nervously. "Why?" She asks as she tilts her head. "Just trust me okay?" I smile. She nods. "Alright then I'll try another game instead. Meet you at the ferris wheel!" She beams of excitement as she run off to another game. I giggle as I turn around to play a horse racing game. I was good at arcade games, so this must be easy. I hope El doesn't think I didn't want to play the game with her. But I wanted to try an surprise her with something I had seen at this stand and it didn't catch her eyes yet. So i hope I can win it for her. And I hope she'll like it, when I give it to her on the ferris wheel.

AN//: I love this chapter it's so cute! Can't wait to share part two if the fair with you all! Hope you like it!

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