The cabin

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~ Max POV ~

I woke up by the noise of a car who drove away a little too loud. I slowly open my eyes as I felt that my bed was cold and empty. No El. "El?" I call out softly. Did I imagine the whole thing? "El?!" I call out a little louder.  Ofcourse she wasn't really here. Why would she. Right? Sadness filled my stomach as I shake my head. Did I dream all of that? Did I really make her up? I must be deluginal. Tears fill my eyes as I really wish it wasn't a dream.  Suddenly I hear my door open as I turn around slowly to face the door. "I'm here, I was just making you some food, but I'm back now. " El softly smiles as she walks up to my bed and puts down a plate with a sandwich on my nightstand. "El. You really are here. I didn't dream it?" I softly ask as I gently rub my eyes, forgetting I had wounds on my hands. "ah- shit." I curse as I quickly pull back my hand. "careful love, yes I really am here and I'm not leaving you." She softly says as she lays a hand down on my leg. I took a deep breath as I look at her. Part of me knew she couldn't stay with me forever. She had a whole life in california. But I just pretended that what she said was really true, for as long as I could.

"thank you for making me food." I say softly as I look at the sandwich. I wasn't really hungry, but I took a bite of it anyway. Since I didn't want to disappoint El. "No problem." She smiles kindly. "How late is it?" I ask as I was chewing on the sandwich. "4:30" El softly says as she looks at me. My eyes widen as I look at El. "Shit! I missed the call!" I say panicked as I jump out of bed. "Max! wait!" El shouts behind me as I run over to the phone. "Wow, slow down Red." Robin says as I meet her in the living room with steve and the boys. "I missed my call!" I state panicked as I look at the phone. "Max, easy. It's okay." El says as she follows me and holds my arms. "No it's not! It was important." I explain as I felt tears come up again. "Max, I picked up the call." Robin suddenly says as I felt El her arms around me. "What? Why? Why didn't just wake me?" I ask confused as I felt my body shaking. "You needed your rest Red. So we let you sleep. I can tell you everything they said alright? Just take a breath and sit down." Robin explains as she looks at me. "Boys, lets go to Eddie for a moment, let's give the girls some privacy." Steve states as he took the boys outside. "But I want to be here for Max, she needs me." Lucas states as he was standing in the doorway. "I'm pretty sure El got this. We will be back soon Lucas, just give them some space." Will explains as he guides Lucas outside.

El took a seat in the corner of the couch as she opens her arms and gestures me to come sit with against her. So I did. She wrapped her arms around me as I sit down against her. I felt safe in her arms. "Okay, so listen Red. A social worker called, as you know." Robin started as she sat down on the coffee table opposite of me. I nod softly. " I told them I was your older cousin and  said that you were taking some rest. They told me that your mom, she needs to go to rehab. For a longer period of time, since her alcohol problem is turned out to be an addiction. Which leads to- abuse." Robin explains as she looks at me. I felt small, since I never told anyone about the abuse and the problems. I always felt embarrassed. My stomach turns by hearing the news. A shiver travels over my body as I saw El felt it too. She held me a little tighter. "They told me you had to look for a place to stay for a while, with a guardian. Since they didn't know how long your mom would be in rehab. And when she gets out, if she would be able to take care of you." Robin explains softly as she looks at me with compassion in her eyes. I felt panic rise in my chest as my eyes widen. "I said I would take care of you, but I'm too young. You don't have to make a decision right away, but they need to have an answer within a week, since they need to know if you are safe and taken care of. If you can't find anything within a week- they will find a place for you. " Robin continues. "But I don't have anywhere to go.  I have no family. I don't know where I could go." I say panicked. "I don't want to leave Hawkins or my mom. Yes, she's ill, but she is the only family I have left. I can't leave!" I explain as I had tears in my eyes. "Hey we will figure it out together okay red? You are not alone." Robin explains as she place a hand on my knee.

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