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~ Max POV ~

We slowly pull away as the fireworks above us was dying down. Holy shit. I kissed El. El kissed me. We kissed. It felt like the fireworks were inside of me instead of above me when we kissed. Her lips were so soft and her cheek so warm. My god I wanted to kiss her again. We meet each others eyes as suddenly the ferris wheel starts to move again. "Sorry for the wait, but we fixed the problem. The ride will continue now. Thank you for your patience." We hear over the speaker as I had my eyes focused on El. We both turn a light red as I nervously collect my bag as she did with hers as well. "That- uh- was a thank you for the gifts you got me." I mumbles as I feel myself turning even more red. Fuck- Why did I say that? God you're such a loser Max.

"Right, yeah! You're welcome. And it was a thank you for you too." El nervously rattles. "Yeah, no problem! No problem at all- anytime. Really. I mean like- anytime. NOT LIKE the kiss anytime- altho-" I nervously ramble as El looks at me and lays a hand on my arm. "Max?" She asks with slight chuckle. "Yeah- sorry, shutting up now." I chuckle softly as I turn my head away from her and squint my eyes. Shit shit shit, just shut it Mayfield. You are gonna ruin- whatever this is if you act like that.

The ride came to a stop as we were now at the bottom again. "Well that was fun, don't you think?" I asks nervously. El her eyes grew a little as she blushes. "The ferris wheel I mean!" I quickly add. God why am I like this. WHERE is my confidence when I need it. "Yes it was very fun. I had a very pretty view." El replies as she looks at me. I turn red instantly. "The fireworks I mean!" She adds as she also turns red. "Obviously." I nervously add. "Hey guys! There you guys are!" We suddenly hear Will shout as they came running up to us. "Yeah we were looking for you everywhere, Joyce almost wanted to call the cops. But we told her we'd look around first. " Mike added.

"Oh we are okay! But we were stuck on the Ferris wheel for some reason and we couldn't get out for a sollid 20 minutes." I explain as I try to act normal with what just happened. "Yeah, weird." El added as she looks at me. "Jeez, that's a long time. Must be boring up there. At least you could see the fireworks. " Mike replies as he looks at El. Both me and El turn a slight red. "Yes, very boring, but the fireworks was pretty." El smiles nervously. "Are you guys okay? You two seem nervous or anxious or something?" Will asks as he looks at us both. "Oh yes we are fine! We just got a bit shaken up up there. That's all." I chuckle. Will nods as he turns around again. "Let's find my mom and show her that you two are still alive, she is worried sick." He chuckles softly.

Mike and Will walk infront as me and Max walk behind. El suddenly looked at a girl who was talking with some people. She looked a little worried. "Max, she has a bruise in her neck too. Do you think those boys got to her too?" She asks a little worried. I look over at the girl she was talking about and nearly choked on my own saliva as I saw her neck. "El, that is no normal bruise." I explain nervously. "No normal bruise?" She asks as she tilts her head while we continue to walk. "Those uhm- those marks are made by their partner most of the time. They are called uh- Hickeys." I turn red as I explain it to her. "Hickeys. Do they hurt?" She asks. "I don't know, I've never given or received one so I wouldn't know." I tell her as I felt my hands getting sweaty. "Hmm, How do they make it? Those marks." El asks. "Uhh- well I saw it in a movie once- uhm- you suck the other person's skin  I guess?" I nervously explain as I didn't know for sure myself. "Oh. And people like that?" She blushes softly. "yeah, I think they do. I wouldn't know for sure." I blush as I look at the ground. "Okay, good to know." El nods softly as she quickens her phase leaving me walking behind. I took a deep breath as I catch up to all of them again.

"My god you two are okay!" Joyce ran up to use and pulls us in an embrace. "Yes, we are okay." El giggles softly. "yeah we are good misses B." Joyce looks at us both. "God you scared me. I almost called the police. " She chuckles softly. "We just got stuck in a ferris wheel." El explains with innocent eyes. "STUCK- Stuck in a ferris wheel?! How did that happen?" she asks with big eyes. I look at El and she looks at me. We both laugh. "No idea." El shrugs. "Well- alright. I see you guys have won some awesome stuff. Why don't we go home and you tell me everything and show me those awesome prices." She smiles as we head back to the car. "Will and I won some walkie talkies and I also won a cassette recorder for Will!" Mike cheers as Will blushes slightly, but he looks proud. "Woah! That is awesome sweetie. Once Jonathan is back from his vacation you can ask him how to make your own cassette!" Joyce smiles. Will nods as he looks at his mom excitingly. "How about you girls?" Joyce asks as they arrive at the car. "Well, Max got me this awesome wonder woman shirt and a squirrel plush." El beams of happiness. "Aw that's amazing honey! Mister Fibly?" She asks with a kind smile but a slight pain in her eyes, thinking back about Hopper. El nods. Joyce her eyes focus on me as she smiles. "That's really thoughtful of you Max." I smile in responds as I held up my arm. "El won us these awesome bracelets and also she won a penny board for me!" I cheer as I beam of excitement, thinking about riding skateboards with El. "That's incredible sweetie! I'm happy for all of you!" She smiles. "Wait- I got you something as well." El smiles sweetly as she reaches into her bag. "Because you are the sweetest." El smiles as she hands Joyce the huge lollipop she won. I giggle because of the sweet gesture of El. Joyce wouldn't really know what to do with a lollipop, but it was really sweet of El. "Oh honey, you really didn't have to get me anything, but that's very sweet of you." Joyce smile as she gave her a kiss on her head.

We all got into the car and as we were driving home Will and Mike talked about what they did at the Fair. "What about you girls? What did you two do at the fair? " Joyce asks as she was driving. I look over at El as she looks back at me. We both blush as I thought back at our kiss on the Ferris Wheel. "Oh, you know. Girl stuff." I blush.

When we arrived home we went straight to our rooms since it was already getting pretty late. We changed in our PJ's. Me in a oversized shirt of El. And El in the Wonder woman she got from me at the fair today. I catch myself sniffing the shirt secretly since it smells like her. "How does it look?" El asks as she had put on the shirt. I turn around as she stood there, looking all pretty and adorable in that shirt. But why was she also looking- hot. Dammit Max don't think like that. "You look amazing El. I'm really glad you like the shirt." I blush. I really couldn't stop blushing everytime I spoke to her since the kiss. "You look cute with my shirt on. You never wear stuff like that." El giggles as she looks at me. Yet again I feel my cheeks turn red. "Thanks El."

She crawls in bed as she looks over at me. Every time I needed to join her in bed I began to feel more and more nervous. I crawl in bed too as I look over at El. She meets my eyes as she was lying down. I saw her cheeks turn red and her eyes shoot away from mine. She suddenly jumps out of bed. "I forgot I had uh- to talk to Joyce about something. I'll be right back. You can sleep if you want. I'll be right back." She rumbles as she nervously shuffles out of the room. I look confused at the door she just walked out off. Was that because of me? I lay my head back down in my pillow. Staring at the ceiling, waiting for El to return.

// AN: hope you liked the chapter! What would you like to see happen next?

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