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~ Max POV ~

I tasted her sweet strawberry lip balm on my lips as I kiss her once more. She told me she loves me. She even wrote it on my skateboard, because she knows how much skateboarding means to me. My heart couldn't beat any faster as I felt like It could jump out of my chest at any moment now. "I was so nervous." El giggles when she pulls away. "Did you think I would say I didn't love you?" I ask as she nods softly with a smile on her face. "El, I have been calling you Love so many times now, I thought it was obvious." I smile as she giggles. "I was just scared, because Mike-" She starts as I quickly grab her hands. "Mike is a piece of shit. I love you El, and I will say it as many times as I need too to remind you that you are loved. That's why I keep calling you Love. It's a sweet nickname, but also reminds you that I love you. Always." I explain as I wiggle her hands softly. She blushes as she smiles widely at me. "I love that. Thank you, love." She giggles as she looks at me. "You are the cutest." I smile as I gaze at her. " Let's make this our get away place. Just us." El suggests as I meet her eyes. "Deal." I nod. I look down at my watch as it was already getting late. "Oh shit- we should head back! Robin is going to make Lasagna and she asked me too help." I chuckle. "Altho I would love to keep kissing you, right here." I smirk softly as I come closer. She smiles too. "May I ride you on the way back?" El smirks as she looks at me. I felt my cheeks burn up. "El?!" I chuckle as I look at her. A smirk grew on her face as she looks at me with intent. "Oh, right I meant 'piggy back'" She smirks as she knew it would get a reaction out of me. I playfully push her. "Rude! And yes you may." I blush with a chuckle. She grins as she met my eyes. "So I have permission to ride you?" She asks with the biggest grin on her face. She wasn't even sure what it meant, but she knew it made me flustered. "El, I swear I will let you walk home." I chuckle as I burn up more. "I was just joking, love. let's go! You slowpoke." El giggles as she grabbed the board and runs toward the road.  "Hey! Wait on me you teaser!" I chuckle as I grab my board and ran down with her. 

On our way back we skated even faster than before. I loved going fast. Feeling the wind in my hair and feeling the rush of the speed I was going in.  El really had it all under control now as she kept up with me. "Last one getting home needs to do the dishes." I smirk as I fasten my steps. "Hey no fair!" She chuckles as she tried to keep up. I felt the speed build up as I focus on my steps. Suddenly I see El catch up to me without even moving her feet. "What the?!" I look at her confused as she reached the house first. "How did you-" I ask as I was out of breath and looked at her. She wipes away her bloody nose with her sleeve as she looks at me. "That's a secret I will never tell. " She winks as she grabs the board. Shit she's so hot. "That's cheating." I chuckle. "It's not cheating, if it's part of me." El explains with a grin on her face. "You are so helping me with the dishes." I chuckle as I playfully push her. "Or we will just let the boys do it." El shrugs. I look at her as my eyebrows rise. "That's my girl." I smile with a slight chuckle. She smiles in responds as she opened the door. 

"There you two are, Robin is going insane in the kitchen all alone. She almost threw the tomato sauce at me, because I don't know how to work in the kitchen!" Steve rambles as he meets us at the door. We burst out laughing as we put our boards down. "We'll go and safe our dinner Steve no worries." I chuckle as I look at him. "Altho I'm pretty sure she would do fine alone and is just going insane, because you can't work in the kitchen." I joke as I stick out my tongue. "Rude. But probably true. " Steve shrugs. El giggles. "You have some sauce in your hair." El smirks. "shit- NOT MY HAIR!" He yells as he ran over to the first mirror he could find. I look at El as she chuckles. "Kidding." She whispers. I wrap my arm around her neck as I chuckle. I lean closer to her ear. "I love you so much." I whisper in her ear as she blushes and smiles in return as I walk over to the kitchen with her. "Steve I swear to god if you give me a fork again instead of a can opener I swear to god- OH It's you two! Thank god, please help me, I'm suffering over here." Robin groans as the kitchen was a mess. "This is the doing of kitchen princess Steve. Please I need women hands in the kitchen or we will all starve to death." Robin chuckles. I loved how Robin always overreacted, but in a fun way. The boy's were upstairs as Steve was still away fixing his hair. "Can you pass me those pasta sheets and get a pan? And El could you open these cans? I will cut some veggies." Robin states as she got some veggies out of the fridge. I nod. "Will do Rob." I smile as I hand over the pasta sheets and search for a pan in the cabinets.  El opened the cans as she looked over to me as she saw me struggling finding the pans. "It's in the left shelve at the bottom. " El smiles as she looks at me. I follow her instructions as I got the pan. After I met her eyes as I smile. "Thanks Love." 

Robin her head never turned so fast. "Love?!" She says with her mouth wide open. "Shit-" I chuckle. "Did you say- are you two like- have you told her that-" Robin excitingly rambles as she looks at both of us. "Yes! Yes, Robin. El told me first to be exact.  Now shut up, before someone hears." I blush with a giggle. El blushes too. "EEEE- That's incredible. How did you say it El? Where? I need to know the details!" She squeals. "I wrote it on the skateboard I won her." El blushes as she looks at Robin. Robin fake falls on the ground as she now lays on the floor. "That's the cutest shit ever, I melted." She says. We both laugh as we look at her. I look at El as she looks at me. She smiles as I smile back. Robin her eyes shoot to both of us. "Oh shut the front door, you two are so in love." Robin smirks as she got up again. "Who is in love?" Suddenly a voice was heard from the hallway as Will walks in. "Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt, I was just wondering how long till we have till dinner? Because, Mike and I are playing a game upstairs and we were wondering if we could play one more round." Will explains. Both me and El quickly look away as I felt my cheeks burn up. "No one! I was just quoting a paragraph in my book I read today." Robin quickly says as she starts cutting vegetables again. "You have about an hour, so you can play another game." She adds as she looks at me. I mouthed a thank you as she nods. "Oh, alright. Thanks Robin! By the way, I don't know what you did with Steve but he is intensely staring at himself in the mirror." WIll chuckles. We all laugh as we look at Will. "Let Steve and his biggest love have their moment. He must have missed himself. " Robin jokes as Will laughs. "Right, well see you in a bit! Smell good already." Will smiles as he made his way up the stairs. 

"Okay that was a close one." Robin whispers. "Yeah, we need to be more careful, if we don't want people to know." I softly say as I look at El. El was staring at the spot Will just stood. "Right." She softly agreed. "Okay well, let's finish this lasagna. I'm starving. El, want to put on some music?" Robin smiles. El smiles too as she nods. She puts on on of Joyce her LP's as we all dance around the kitchen, finishing the lasagna.  

//AN: Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Any suggestions? Leave them below! ^^

So this is love? ~ ElmaxWhere stories live. Discover now